晨阵雨76°,FS 自南。下午晴84°。晚八点雷。
北京晨阵雨760 , FS 自南。下午晴840 。晚八点雷。
晨六点起。上午九点借允敏乘车赴南池子27 号庄达卿处,知其子陶生在唐山教建筑学,其女婿学植物将回国。渠方自上海回,曾病一个时期。谓陆次兰(宝淦)亦身体有龙钟现况, 盖余辈统已六十以上矣。谓上海有若干穷极无聊者, 专门以Cyanide 氯化物毒人而取其财物,陆梅生之妻即以是致死云。
出至羊肉胡同财神庙七号晤严仁庚夫妇,及棉花胡同(西四) 40 号晤涂长望夫妇,遇曾广琼、温甫及张乃召等,谈及山西冰雹问题。中午四。午后朱习生来,知于昨日从杭州回。李鼎芳来。午后阅Blackett War , F ear , and 80mb 书。晚至新华书店,购伊林著《人与自然》一书, 去二万元。
Blackett: p. 114 , The JaTMS Franck Report.Well before the 1 st atomic bombs were exploded, American atomic scientists hadbeen concerning themselves actively with the social & military consequences of atomicenergy. In June , 1945 , over a month before the experimental bomb exploded in NewMexico , a committee of 7 appointed by Metallurgical Lab. in Chicago, presented a re.port to Sec. of War. The Chairman , James Franck. In particuJar , the Report stressedthe impossibility of the U. S. maintaining a monopoly. The Report expressed the viewthat ” Russia and China are the only great nations at pre钝nt which cóuld survive a nu.clear attack. ” Continued on Oct. 12 续在十月十二日。