竺可桢日记 (1951年)1月19日 星期五 北京

晨阴,A.Cu , 23°。
北京晨阴, A.Cu , 230 。

  晨六点半起。九点至院。九点十分传达周总理十六日下午在怀仁堂的报告,计一小时。说明: (l )因抗美援朝人民军的胜利,中国在世界中地位之提高。本年度工作除解〔放〕西藏、台湾,完成土改,消灭残余十万土匪而外,尚须作有重点的经济建设,即完成天兰、成渝及来宾至镇南关三铁道,以一万万美金整理淮河及培植纺织事业。此〔外〕重工业钢铁、煤油仍当继续注意。因此预算上有1 3% 之赤字,但我们赤字比去年不过增加16 亿。而美国则去年度预算424 亿美元,赤字五十一亿;今年七百十五亿,赤字为一百六十五亿,加了3.18 倍。且中国军费只占48~毛, 而美国占了78% 。丁瓒又补充报告三十分钟。散会后杨鉴初、章震越来谈,为冰雹事。章震越将去农业部,搜集1 950 年山西、察哈尔~带材料。午后二点至院。四点至东安市场一转。借松松至北海。
  Comrade Stalin , G. M. Malenkov , VOKS Bulletin 1950, No. 61.In Sept. 1946 , Alex. We巾, Moscow Sundα.y Times 记者问Stalin , Whether hebelieved that ,明th the further advance of the Soviet U. towards Commurusm, the possibilitiesfor peaceful c∞pera1ion would not diminish, and whether Communism in onecountη 可能。Stalin 回答均说可以。
  Dec. 1946 , Elliot Roosevelt 问Stalin ,是否民主国家如美国能与苏联共产国家并存于世,而不互相倾轧干涉。Stalin 回答:”不但可能, but qui1e sensible and q山tefeasible. In the tensest periods of war the differences in the form of govemment did notprevent our 2 countries from uniting and defeating our enemies. To even a greater extentis it possible to preserve these relations in peace timeo “In May 1948, in reply to Mr. Wallace’s open letter, Comrade Stalin said , << TheUSSR 政府认为USSR 与U. S. A. 虽在经济制度与ideology 虽有不同,但和平的调整,不但可能,且绝对需要, 为世界和平起见。" In April, 1947 , Stalin said in an interviewwith Stassen , "One should not indulge t∞ much in criticism of one another'ssystem. Every peοple adheres to the system it wants. Which system is best, history willshow. One must respec1 the system chosen and approved by the people. Whether thesystem is bad or go叫is the affair of the American people. Nations need not have identicalsystems. " In Jan. 1949 , Kingsbury Smith , European manager of Intemational NewsService, asked Comr. Stalin whether the USSR 政府赞同consider the publication of ajoint declaration together wilh USA 政府to the effect that neither govemment intended( to) resort 10 war against 由e 0出er , & whether the USSR 政府would be prepared toge由er with USA 政府, to ca町out meas田'e5 for the implementation of a Pact of Peace 。
  Stalin 回答: “USSR 政府甚愿如此办理。”


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