竺可桢日记 (1943年)10月20日 星期三 湄


泪雨终日。晨14.5°, 午后15.1°。

  〔补记:自十九起至三十日,在莫斯科开英苏美三国外长会议。决定: (一)完全消灭意法西主义, (二)德并奥元效, (三)严惩纳粹暴行, (四)设立欧洲顾问委员会European Advisory Commission (十一月一日发表) 0 Moscow Declaration by 4nations (中文见752 页(10月30日日记J) : The 伊vemments of U. S. A. , U. K. ,USSR and China united in their determination in accordance with the declaration ofJan. 1 , 1942 . .. jointly declare. (1)咀leir united action pledged for the prosecution ofwar against their respective enemies will be continued for the organization and maintenanceof peace security. (2) Those of them at war with common enemy will act togetherin all matters relating to the surrender and disarmament of enemy. ( 3) They will takeall measures deemed by them to be necessaηto provide against any notation of term imposedon the enemy. (4) They recognize the necessity of establishing at their earliestpracticable moment a general intemational organization based on the principle of sovereignequality of all peaceloving states and open to membership of all such states , largeor small , for the maintenance of peace and security. ( 5) For the pu叩ose of maintenanceof intemational peace and security pending the reestablishment of law and orderand the inauguration of a system of general security , they will consult with each otherand as occasion requires with other members of the united nations with a view to jointaction. (6) After the termination of the hostility they will not employ their militaIγforcewithin the territories of other states except for the purpose envisages in this declaration ,and after joint consultation. (7) They will confer and cooperate with one another andwith other members of U. N. to bring about a practicable general agreement with respectto the 吨ulation of armament in the post war period. J接杨其泳、许超、汤冠雄、温应星、鹤环(许、汤函就近交祥治)、郑震宇接叶左之接希文电高学淘电寄吕蔚光、张之毅函叶左之


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