中共袭陕淳化。中国军队病亡率。 Woodrow Wilson ηte New Freedom.
八点半回。九点余志明、余文琴姊妹及前贵阳商会会长柴晓牒来谈。余文琴欲随其夫熊全治去美国。柴晓攘住邮政局对门,中华中路151号,其子于去冬在浙大园主系毕业。九点半告别,并约十七晚在利胜祥柴宅晚膳,余以十六号将回遵婉谢之。华西大学医学院神经病专家程玉麟来谈,知渠与心理、社会专家五人将去前方视察兵士状况。谓据美国某少校云,中国远征军之在印度人疯人院者达四百人之多。郑子政三年前患神经失常,经程治疗而愈。据云因Sexual repmsSion而发。
Woodrow Wilson The New Freedom , Chap. 4 , “Life comes from soil” .
How all the nations of the earth wait to see what America is going to do with her power . .. But what has made us strong? The toil of millions of men , the toil of men who do not boast who are in conspicuous , but who live their life humbly from day to day. It is the great body of toilers that constitutes the might of America. It is one of the glories of our land that nobody is able to predict , from what family , from what region , from what race , even , the leaders of the countrγare going .to come. “One cool judgement is worth a thousand hasty council. The thing to do is to sup.ply light and not heat. ” ( The New Freedom , p. 245)