遵义 晨有红光,未几阴, 80 , 27. 50″。日中晴。晚阴,八点半13.5 0 , 27.30飞
印度国民大会Congress Pa即在全印立法会议Legislative Assembly 占56 席,领袖为A. K.Azad。因教会占30 席,领袖为Mohammed Ali Jinnah 真纳。现在美国Mrs. Pandit 潘边特夫人乃著名Jawaharlal Nehru 尼赫鲁之姊,在美演讲,主张从前甘地不以武力抵抗办法。晚雷男夫妇来。
晨七点起。八点半至校。作函与叔永,并寄《二十八宿》之英文稿二份,请其交与中美科学资料搜集处,即袁守和所主持之机关,以便送往美国。下午得叔永函,附来其手书哀迪生之诗六首,即《客观》第十期上所登者。季梁来,谈师范生成绩问题。接郭晓岚自芝加哥来函,知其在途甚久,九月初到Calcutta 加尔各答,十月廿七始乘舟离加,时印度甚热,轮中均为兵士,共四千人,平时坐无隙地。红海以东天气酷热,一过Gibraltar 直布罗陀则天气又大变,多晕船者。舟行整卅日,于十一月廿四到纽约,行八旬余。近已注册,教授有Rossby 、Byres 、Starr , Ference 诸〔人〕, Starr 本人尚在读Ph. D. 学位云。中国学生习气象者已十一人之多,均在芝加哥。谓1. Bjerknes 现在C. 1. T. ,此外则Forsythe 及Holmes o M. I. T. 有Haurwitz及Willet 云。下午三点开行政谈话会与迪生治丧委员联席会议。四点半至酒精厂办事处晤雷男。晚雷夫妇及汤恩洋来。
Wm. F. Giese lrving Babbitt: Man & Teαcher , Putnarn 1941 , pp.1-25.The unquestioned free will was the most sacred tenet of his ethical creed. The determinist was for him a lost soul. Babbitt always measured men by character more than by intellectual prowess & brilliancy; and in respect of will & character he claimed for American , a certain superiority to the more intellectual European. For him the original thinkers were those who have accredited the commonplaces by which men live and have given these a patent of nobility. Page 16: He put the social virtues on a lower plane than the virtues of inner life , and he saw in the common inversion of this scale of values a main source of growing superficiality of the American temper. He saw in our novel writing and novel reading a symptom of decadence , a narcotic for stilling thought , a cheap device for the vicarious enjoyment of emotion. Realism is the core of his thinking.Its whole aim is to lay bare the residue of truth essential to wise living from the parasitic growths under which the lust of knowledge , power have hidden it.
接驾吾函 宪承函 梅儿函 程民德、定安、农经学生、金克南、章友二、定安、程民德刚复去年十月十二函 接金楚珍、季讷、朱习生、鲁珍、赵子衡、教育部、郭晓岚、李建勋函
寄梅太太、胡振锋函 鸿逵函(附朱部长) 罗登义、李寿雍、翼谋函 梅儿函 叔谅函 舒鸿