杭 州睛。晨曾有阵雨,寻止。晚31°。
UNRRA 将停止活动,截至1946 年八月运输物资1400万吨,捐款卅六万万美金。自1946年八月至1947 年收成期,仍将以十一万万美元之粮食至欧洲云。
七点上车,为西湖游览车,指定坐位,故不拥挤。车中阅《气象学报》 The Joumal Of Meteorology December, 1945,其中多创作,余均不解所云。十年校长,已成藩伍之气象家矣。十二点差一刻到城站,即回校,见校门正在改做。吃面后睡一小时并洗洛。三点至办公室。见案上积压信件卅余封,使我寒心。邦华来谈,知渠曾至无锡遇农业机械厂厂长顾心一,余老友也,备承招待云。晚膳后至湖滨及清河坊配眼镜,因晓沧所购眼镜嫌太紧,将脚弄松即行。回。洗浴。睡。
Radar and Weather , Commander R. H. Maynard , }oumal 01 Meteorology Vol. 2 ,No. 4 , Dec. 1945 , pp. 214.The paper was a research on weather as a creator of echoes or radar scopes. An echo is caused by reflection of the radar pulse from water drops or particles in the atmosphere.For given characteristic of the outgoing radar pulse the strength of echo depend supon the mass of water encountered , and upon the size of the individual water particles. In general the more laden with water particles the air is , the stronger are the echoes , so that the severity of a storm may be judged approximately from the stren阱 of the echo. As the frequency is increased , the radar pulse is less able to penetrate a mass of water droplets , but is capable of detecting weaker storms more easily. Thus for the general purpose of (detecting) storm , detecting the so called “s” band of radar frequency(3 cm. wave length) appears to be better suited than the X band (10 cm. wavelength) .
接缪彦威、孙宗彭、朱胜连、华昭复、赵之远、谷镜沂、孙季恒、士俊、洽周、朱善培、黎子耀、江希明、士楷、赵九章、郑儒械、李振东 卢嘉锡电振公函
寄鲁珍附致物资局江构(犀初)函 卢嘉锡电