据船上报告昨午至今行275 miles ,至纽约尚有2860 miles c展七点未到即起。今日天气极佳,上午有日光,中午阴,下午又有日光,风不甚大。下午余在Promenade Deck 上层甲板后楼临时Deck Chair 躺椅睡一小时。上午作函与通伯及允敏No. 17 ,但船t元飞机,故不用航邮,且不能购邮票,惟可发无线电而已。
今日阅Jose Ortega Y. Gasset 加塞特著Mission 0/ the University {大学的使命)c氏为西班牙之有名教育家,此书系1930 年氏在World Federation of Students 世界学生联盟之演讲,系英国人Howard Lee Nostrand 翻译,并有一序,谓著者Ortega 奥尔特加生于1883 ,氏曾为报馆主笔, 1931( 年〕曾组织政党( Magazine Revistα de Occidente{西方杂志), Newspaper EI Sol {太阳报) ,政党民主会)。自1911-1935 为Madrid 马德里大学Metaphysics 形而上学教授,著有The Revolt 0/ Ma,~ses {大众的反叛) (1 930) 、The Modern Theme {现代主题) (1 933) 。
坦5书中大意。p. 27: “Everyday the conviction forces itself upon me with new clarity, that too much security demoralizes men more than anything else. Because they cameto feel too secure , all the aristocracy of histolγhave fallen into irreparable degeneracy. “中国元、清的蒙古、旗人即是二个好例。
p. 31: “In his Philosophy of Universal Histo巧, Hegel asserts that passion , withoutdoubt is responsible for all the significant accomplishment in histo町, but he qualifies‘ cool passion’. When passion is simply a frenzy of turbulent emotion , it is of no use atall. It should be both critical & creative. “page 32: The fundamental ailment of Spain & Spaniards is slovenness <麻胡)(马虎) , it is something inferior to crime. The 叩0p归p0创8阳of 巾sllover巾You people will know the tremendous difference there is between an athlete who is informand who i白sn削Oωt , and that indulgence of oneself, your 叮et it go anyhow" , "what ofi t". That is slovenness.p. 44: The convulsive situation in Europe at the present moment is due to the factthat the average English men , the average Fren盯hman , the average German are uncultured.They are ignorant of the essential system of ideas concerning the world & manwhich belong 10 our time. The average person is the new barbarian. He is a professionalman , more learned than evcr bcfure , but at the same time more u配ultured 工程师、医生、律师、科学家.p. 46: It is imperative to set up once more in the university the teaching of culture ,system of vital idea , this is the mission of 大学.