竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月21日 星期三 渝

晴。15.5°。晨 31.2″。晚五点又雨。
渝晴。 15.5 0。晨 3 1. 2飞晚五点又雨。

  十二点,余与汤、罗二人至警察局之检缉大队晤其队长李姓。据云昨已接到上峰报告,己询中统局、军统局,谓均无其人,疑为香曾所人党内小组织所为。余等告以香曾并未加人小组织,并将公函交去。偕汤元吉、谈家桢与罗凤超在留德同学会(临江路)中膳。西菜每客 400、600,800、1000四种,余等吃600元,四人用3300,因尚有加三之捐也。一点半别汤、谈等回。余先至市民医院挂号,检验身体登记费 320。次至张家花园菁园晤黄任之,渠午睡未起。出。至枣子岚埋和园设计局晤邱昌渭、陈伯庄及黄国璋,均不值。回。
  厉德寅、程沧波先后来。邵全声偕柳君来。余详询香曾失踪详情,并询其同住郭副官为谁。余嘱邵今晚往晤汤厂长及章友三(临江路川盐三里十号复旦办事处),并嘱其明日晤卫戍司令王缵绪(治先?)。厉德寅来谈,知硕民已到滇,用旅费十二万元,走二十五天。六点偕巽甫、立夫、均一、擘黄至中英科学合作馆,济之、孟和、子竞、九章、化予、润章、孟真、骝先均到。由 Picken毕丹耀、 Sanders萨恩得、 Mrs. Needham李约瑟夫人招待晚膳、电影。十点散。
  寄俞大维、卫戍司令、警察局函 金楚珍、祝修麟函 浙大急电

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月20日 星期二 渝

晨昙 15°。午 31.20″。晚微雨 16°,31.3″。
渝晨罢 15 0。午 31.20飞晚微雨 16 0, 31. 3″。

  缅甸我第五十师克复西保,印第十五师克复瓦城 Mandalay。
  晨六点半起。八点至中央医院门诊部看牙科,由王主任诊视。据云余上右臼牙只半颗,左臼牙第二及 premolar前臼齿均须拔去,两个不同时拔。拔后二星期始装新牙,亦须二星期,如此需六星期之时间始行。若不拔,不但毒质将流人血液,且〈始〉〔使〕门牙伤及牙床云云。
  午后三点至教育部。遇卫士生。晤陈景阳,将浙大寄来之呈文交去,并嘱转贺师俊速发一、二、三各月浙大员生增加之伙食费及生活津贴。五点借汤元吉与罗凤超二人往康庄一号晤齐世英(铁生),托其觅费香曾之下落。周敏先、潘际刑夫妇来送广柑十枚。六点杨守珍来,余嘱其转告自汉熙速回校,因其课元人担任也。六点半至学田湾 127号宽甫处晚膳,到巽甫、擘黄、济之、厚甫、孟和、孟真、子竞诸人,谈至晚十点始回。松热未退,故允敏未往。
  中国酒精产量。我国酒精产量去年为 15,000,000 gallons,今年生产局欲增至 30,000,000 gallons,但实际至多只能出 20,000 ,000 gallons。目前后〔方〕有车 6000辆,不久自中印公路可到 15,000辆,如以 20,000辆计则每辆车只能分得 2000 gal.lons,即每月6 gallons,或行 30 40公里而己,况酒精尚有其他用途也。
  接刚复、洽周、气象所、教育部、叔谅函 贵州大学函
  寄 Dorothy Needham、孙景华、方昌焰、茅以智、朱骝先、贺师俊函 杨平澜、储润科

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月19日 星期一 〔重庆〕


  十九日晨,美海军飞机炸藏匿于吴〔 〕军港之日海军,毁灭敌主力舰一或二艘,航空母舰二艘,轻重巡洋舰各一,驱逐舰囚,又敌机 479架。宋超群来(卅一级外文)。
  十点至金汤路市民医〔院〕验身体,今日 星期一停诊。晤梅月涵,不值。下午电话甘肃油矿局孙越崎,嘱其按月售煤油 1000斤约二百加仑。据云运输困难,煤油为商品不能南运,允先售与一百加仑,价每加仑二千余元,即约四五百元一斤也。
  下午睡一小时。章友三来,谈香曾失踪事。友三已由北暗发稿登《中央》及《大公》两报,以孟闻等主张。余谓如此则将落入政党之手,故主张撤回不登。友三赞成,即电话复旦办事处临江门川盐三里十号(电话 42025)。蔚光来。又九章来。晚膳后借罗凤超至牛角沱荫园,系范庄主人之产业。屋极壮丽,善后总署以一万二千七百万元租三年,一次付清。内住家眷十四家,单身职员甘人。高文伯不在,遂出。至六十六号(上清寺)中央机器厂晤柳君,知黄任之己将钱新之、杜月笙等探查香曾之踪迹。八点半回。与次仲谈法国中等教育,述其管理之严,淘足为我国教育之模范也。
  接希丈二函 宽甫函 王皮西、振公、劲夫、二姊函
  寄沈克非(为赵海之病)、希文函 默君函 秦景阳、杭立武及孙越崎函

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月18日 星期日 〔重庆〕

昨晚雨。晨阴 16°,31.70°。
〔重庆〕昨晚雨。晨阴 16 0, 31. 70飞

  美国密契尔海军中将开兵舰至九州东南海面大炸大阪、神户。晨译员训练班钱风、薄学文、虞才印、谭盈科、戴继嘉(乃焘)来。又乔礼秋来。松体温仍高,晨 37.7 0,午后 38.3°。
  晨七点起。译员训练班薄学文、戴继票等来谈,知渠等下月初将毕业派赴印度。农艺系乔礼秋来,谓有棉花种子托带遵义。晨作函与洽周、振公。十一点徐旭生(炳祠)来,谈其对于洪水之理论。渠信历史上气候有改变,及制项、帝誉为神巫之说。中午至李子坝特三号叔永处,允敏以松病未愈不能往。到周寄梅、张肖梅、杭立武夫妇、第十兵〔工〕厂厂长庄权(翼行 )(陈衡哲表弟)、润章太太及衡哲之弟。庄云全国后方技工只五万人,列强士兵每一兵有一二十工人在后方为后盾,但中国则一工人支持廿个兵。又谓德国前顾问 Falkenhausen始终有心助我,但为纳粹所在之信任。三点回。晚周子竟请客,到院中诸同事,孟和大闹酒。今日惟润章、傅孟真因病未到,九章、罗宗洛自北暗来。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月17日 星期六 〔重庆〕

晨阴 16°,31.80″。晚微雨 16°,31.60″。
〔重庆〕晨阴 160, 31. 80飞晚微雨 16.0 0, 3 1. 60″。

  晨七点起。晨作函数通。九点借允敏、松至学田湾中央医院门诊处为松看病。 因松于今昨均发热也。挂号费第一次五十元,但以去时已迟,故得 28号。等一小时,不耐久待,故回。蔚光来。十一点至教育部晤赵太伴,告以理工出国教授选定后必告本人,并嘱贺师俊速垫款,寄学生一、二两月份伙食费。
  六点长望来,借至学田湾”盟军之友社”,晤美国陆军技术代表地图专员梅士敦 (Floyd E. Masten , Map bibliographer , U.S.A,电话 2101 -Ex. 110 Ring 3) ,在中国己半年,专集各类地图。谓美国以测量制图须九元一张者,以飞机制只 25美分。 W. W. Atwood之二子亦学地理,一专制模型于战事,颇有补益云。在盟军总社西餐(每客六百元)(允敏、松松未能往),即在中央党部看美国影片,乃专为美海陆空军者。十点田。八点罗光采医生(柏林大学毕业)为松诊病,体温 37.8 0,昨前均晨肚痛,今日耳痛,罗诊为重庆病〔?〕,开 Sulphadiazine,Sodium Bicarbonate。
  寄梅、张汉松、潘际坰、浙大函 洽周电

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月16日 星期五 〔重庆〕

晨昙。晨 16.5°,3 1.80″。
〔重庆〕晨罢。晨 16.5 0, 3 1. 80″。

  晨七点起。八点李康诩来,为作一介绍函与杨继曾。许道夫及程石泉来,知许拟回校,因农经系元人能教合作也。邵全声、孙振望、晓沧及汤元吉先后来,商谈费香曾失踪事。邵为送香曾上船之人。据云,四日晚,香曾宿于林森路 309号二楼郭希寅副官(乃邵之友人)[处],与邵同住。晨三点即起,与邵至千厮门歪船。行李已放歪船贮藏室,邵人贮藏室取行李,回头已不见香曾。未几歪船门开,在轮上亦遍觅不见。打电话至复旦,知其未到校。歪船与岸有短浮桥,但水深不过二三尺,不能溺人,故除为特务机关所捕外无其他可能。余嘱晓沧与叔谅一商,再去看立夫。余拟觅程沧波与骝先。
  下午睡一小时。三点晤骝先,不值。剃头。五点至中央图书馆。今日国联同志会请〔驻〕英大使顾维钩讲”和平机构”,时适散会,听者甚众。遇晓沧。到图书馆晤王抚五,不值。至美国新闻处 American Information Bureau Reading Roomo晚膳时罗凤起来。骝先来。晚膳后于震天来。八点至美专校街一号晤叔谅。八点半回。与次仲谈。十点傅孟真来。
  接许侠武函 洽周、教育部、梦秋函

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月15日 星期四 渝

雨。晨 19°,31.5°。下午阴 18°,31.7°。
渝雨。晨 190, 31. 5飞下午阴 180, 31. 7飞

  西欧美军占 Coblenz。龚生来。王天木、长望来。于震天来。 H否汤元吉。
  晨微雨。八点半起。晓沧来,知己送钟英人中央医院。中膳遇孟和、子竞及化予诸人。午后睡一小时。三点起。四点至五四路卅一号天主教尚神父宅 Jantzen
(The Most Reverend Louis X. Jantzen D. D. , Acting Apostolic Delegate to Free Chi.na)茶点,介绍美国新回之 Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara C. P. , D. D. , Vicar Apostol.ic of Yaar曲夫妇、陈庆云、李润章、杭立武太太等,西人中有 Sir and Lady Seymour , John Blofeld。出至五四坊二号晤汤元吉,告以费香曾自五号起失踪事。四号晚香曾尚去汤寓不值,宿于邵全声处。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月14日 星期三 渝

晨 18.5°,晴。
渝晨 18.5 0,晴。

  晨严慕光来。晚于震天来。陈可忠来。蒋朝能来。今日起退热。 7 :1537.30 , 10:15 A. M. 36.60 .12 ,00 36.6。
  晚中央组织部之于震天来,知费香曾忽于去北暗路上失踪。缘香曾于四日晚入城,拟坐轮至北暗复且,曾去看汤元吉,后住邵全声处。次晨邵借香曾至轮上,邵提行李上轮,再登,香曾己不见。邵草行李到处觅香曾,卒未见香曾。故于疑其签字于《新华日报》之宣言主张各党派联席会议有关。据香曾告汤,则华林、卢于道、朱鹤年等之报上声明并未签名加人,由人冒名,实出于强迫。故香曾如被特务机关于闭禁,则性命殊可忧。此时政府大唱民主,而竟有类似 Gestapo盖世太保之机构,真可叹!

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月13日 星期二 〔重庆〕


  晨叔永夫妇来。解俊民、胡永畅来。下午周子竟来。郑肇经(权伯)来。医生魏祖宪来。 Haldane Keeping Cool。
  卧病感冒。 7 A. M. 37.9°, 10 AM 37.6°, 1 P. M. 37.9°, 3 :45 38.5°, 7 :00 PM 39.5°, 9:3037.8°。
  J. B. S. Haldane Keeping cool αnd other essays 《保持冷静和其他论文》, Chatto and Windus , London , 1940. pp.253 275: The Marxist Philosophy , a lecture deliv.ered hefore Birkheck College , 1938. p. 256: As a result of my scientific and political experience , 1 had to accept Marxism as the hest availahle philosophy. … It is com.monly stated that Marxism exalts the state as against the individual that it preaches fatal.ism , & that it regards man as the slave of economic .forces. We shall see later how far from these statements are from the truth. The Marxist philosophy is called dialectical materialism. It traces its origin on the one hand to the mechanical materialism of French 18 century philosophers such as Diderot & on the other to the dialectical idealism of He.gel. Marχist acknowledge the unity of theorγ& practice , hut the primacy of practice over theory. Marx wrote “other philosophers have interpreted the world , the point is to change it. ” As a Marxist , he must he prepared to state his life on the truih of his phi.losophy. By materialism is meant the acknowledgement of the temporal priority of matter over mind , and helieve that there are unperceived events. In Hegel’s philosophy the unity of philosophy was treated idealistically. The principles of change were called dialectical , hecause they were examplified in dialectical thought. And Hegel helieved that nature mirrored thought. Marx on the other hand went hack to the common sense view , that thought & other mental processes mirror nature with different degree of exactness. Of 2 similar things of which one is copy of the other , the one which was the first is the original. And Darwin’s work left Marx with no douht that nature was in existence hefore mind. Haldane p. 260: Even the laws of nature change. According to Milne the wave length of a spectral line measured in a material rod , is gradually diminishing , and in relation to the day or year chemical processes are speeding up. It also embodies the unity of the opposites. Plato saw that body was both large & small , soft & hard , and concluded that size & hardness are real , but matter is unreal. Another fundamental dialectical principle is what Hegel called the transformation of quantity into quality e. g. that change of H2 0 into steam. The most fundamental is the quantum theory. Few biol.ogist believes in continuous variation. The most characteristically Hegelian principle in Marxism is that of the negation of negation , a negative condition in a child is a source of alarm to parents. A child must pass a stage of guilt. The negation of innocence before it can attain to virtue. This principle is the main sources of progress in mathematics. Complex No. was invented after the rules of ordinary arithmatic was broken.
  接钱逸云函 任叔永函 朱骝先函

竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月12日 星期一 〔重庆〕


  今日起卧病。体温8:30 A.M. 38.2°,11 A.M. 37.5°,1 PM 37.7°,4 P.M. 37.9°,7:30 P.M. 37.8°。


  三月份   &nbsp基数 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp7000&nbsp&nbsp8000&nbsp&nbsp4000&nbsp&nbsp7000&nbsp&nbsp8000&nbsp&nbsp4000&nbsp&nbsp5000&nbsp&nbsp3000&nbsp&nbsp3000&nbsp&nbsp6000&nbsp&nbsp3000&nbsp&nbsp
  三月份   &nbsp倍数 &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp35&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp40&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp35&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp40&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp30&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp25&nbsp&nbsp
  十月至  &nbsp〔基数〕&nbsp16,000&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp15,000&nbsp
  十二月      &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

            渝  昆明  南京、 四川、 筑  浙江、 云南 甘肃、 遵义
                   上海  云南     福建     湖南、
  接方昌焰函 秦景阳函 总务处函 吴文晖、张汉松