雨。晨 22°,校中 19.5°。
遵义雨。晨 22 0,校中 19.5 0。
倭寇退出广西河池、金城江。 Jet propelled planes , Joan Tomkinson , The Christian Science Mo.nitor , Feb. 15 , 1945。
晨六点起。八点至湘江大戏园作纪念周。请缪彦威讲屈原,谓屈原为诗人 pu陀& simple,非政治家,亦非哲学家,其人厚于情感而薄于理智,故于北方之作风不同。余谓楚人固易冲动,而江浙人则往往重理智,在学校学生中可见一斑。
Jet propelled planes喷气式飞机. Ahhough a propulsive jet is produced by a gas turbine , it is the tùrbine itself which is the real hero of the drama. This turbine-com.pressor unit will modify the aircraft structure… It is so .compact that machine using it will be almost perfectly streamlined , with the engine located inside the fuselage or the wing. Calculation show that a flying wing with buried engines has 113 to 112 the total drag and airflow turbulence of the normal typé , meaning less: horse power used to reach the same speed. The’ turbine can reach a continuous high speed jet sufficient to propel a plane at some 600 miles per hour. Frank Whittle of英国 was the originator of the idea. Specimeris of gas turbine was sent to U. S. in 1941. The first jet-propelled plane was flown in the U. S. , October , 1942. The jet engine works by burning gases hurled through the turbine to keep the compressor running , and roarin:g out through the nozzle to provide thrust. Jet-propelled aircraft are now being manufacturéd in bulk. Its natural
habitat is in the stratosphere. It does not demand high octane fuels , kerosene , diesel or
tar oil can be used.