竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月31日 星期二

晨阴 25°,26.94″。
晨阴 25 0, 26.94飞

  晨六点半起。土午八点半至校。广西大学陆大京来谈一小时。十点半开行政谈话会,约李天助及魏春孚二人列席,谈本城虎疫事。据李医〔生〕云,死者已达数百人之多,大抵在老城,尤以吃龙井沟之水者为甚。校中教职员、校工、学生多己打防疫〔针〕,间有未打者,出布告嘱打针。饮水放漂白粉 1%溶液,每担水一匙即行。制精盐与蒸馆水,现每日化工系供给 100吨与卫生〔所〕,因患瘪螺府者所需七八磅之多也。讨论药物学系请杜宗光为副教授事,威不赞成。毕业生请求给八月份贷金,一概不准。
  十二点回。中膳后吃西瓜,自农场所购者,每斤 200〔元〕。数日来所吃以今日为最佳。三点至校。五点回。允敏召集梅太太、郭太太、劲夫、乐素、坤珊夫人等讨论教员家属营养问题事。晚学生自治会缪祖桐来,为举办工友补习事。六点半至柿花园一号,请陆大京、顾青虹晚膳,到洽周、劲夫、荩谋、振公、杨耀德诸人。谈及学生在一年级时应请第一等教授讲课,但浙大以一年级单独在永兴,故此事极难办到。余之政策,数、理、化与国文、英文必须有第一等教授。现数学钱琢如、化学储润科均已教课多年。物理丁绪宝虽今冬学生反对,但亦有二十余年之教课经验。惟文组过去实在太差,尤以中文为甚。薛效宽事事从宽,作文不改。英文方面亦差。故一年级生多不满意,甚〔至〕有学生以为→年级不及高中与先修班者。润科、尚志以及赵松乔与一年级生,均有此观念。余极以薛不能负责为憾事,但洽周终不以为然。今日迪生、乔年未到。乔年以路远,迪生则未能多主动也。九点回。十点半睡。又晚上海皮鞋公司经理宣金桥来,知其伙计陈仲华之妻在中正桥边摆一小摊,售旧衣。适浙大学生王祖坡在阿家庙失去衣服廿件,其中有女裤一条,在陈摊上发现,乃将其拘捕警局,但陈〈女〉〔妻〕购此裤于途人,有旁人为证,请求保释。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月30日 星期一 遵义

遵义晨罢26.50, 27.0飞午后雨。晚又雨。

  Pericles “secret of liberty is courage”勇敢为自由争得之秘密。 Laski on constitutional democ.racy.
  晨六点半起。八点徐晓乘车赴重庆,交去宽甫一函。九点至校。阅来往函件多种。京谋来谈研究生事,又毕业生之就〔业〕事,未能出发者纷纷来请八月份之贷金。易鼎新拟辞职回湘,因桂林已于廿七日克复也。十二点回。睡一小时。三点雨,故下午未往校中。阅 Time Magazine (七月二日)。
  Harold Laski The State in Theory & Practice , p. 75: Since the industrial revolu.tion , the continuous tendency of modern legislation , not less in the new than in the old , has been to soften by governmental action. The harsh contrast which would otherwise obtain between the lives of the rich & the poor. And on any long view , the ability of the state to win the loyalty of its citizens depends upon its power continuously to soften the contrast.
  p.77: Aristotle’s defense of slavery , Locke’s defense of the exclusion of Roman Catholics , Hitler’s defense of the exclusion of Jews from citizenship , are all attempts to erect private prepossession into universal principles of reason.
  p. 83: Ther<巳 is no way of making a state active in the fulfilling of its function ex.cept the knowledge that men will refuse to obey its commands where they regard them as a violation of that function. That was the truth that Pericles saw when he told the citi.zens of Athens , that the secret of liberty was courage. Unless men are prepared to act by the insights they have , even when these insights are eπoneous. They are bound to become no more than passive recipients of orders to whose moral quality. They are in.different. When they do that , they poison the foundation of state. For they then cease to be moral beings in any of the words.
  Page 89: It is important that the incidence of state-institution should be unbiased , those who operate them should be able to assume that the constitutional democracy will be observed by their opponents. It is an obligation incumbent upon the governments of all such states , not to outrage the fundamental sentiments of an important minority. There are , i. e. limits to the rights of a majority whose representatives are exercising the soverelgn power.
  Laski on the right of majority to rule.
  Harold Laski The Stαte in Theory & Prαctice, Part 1, The Philosophic Conception of State.
  p.90: To say that there are limits to the right of a majority is not to define those m Qd and that all is the real core of the problem. We cannot seriously argue that no government is entitled to take any decision which may outrage the conscience of a signif.icant minority. A significant minority of American opinion was outraged by the decision to abolish slaveη; but that did not render u叩lstifiable the decision to abolish it.奴隶制。
  There are no doubt occasions when it is wise for a government threatened to com.promise rather than to seek the maintenance of its prestige without regard to the price that may have to be paid for it. Lenin’s adoption of the new economic policy in 1921 is a classic instance of a wise surrender of principle made to critical circumstance. But it is certainly not a method which can be made into a general rule for the simple reason that it would make majority government invariably impossible. Normally a government that is challenged is obliged,so long as it feels confident that it has public opinion behind it, to meet the challenge, for it is prlmary thesis of constitutional democracy that it can be overthrown only in ways specifically provided by law. The limit of majority rule :. can not be defined with any precision in terms of principles.
  Page 96: Becausè a rational being , those who make the law are always eager to defend it to him on the ground that it is in fact equated with justice. They offer argument , that is , to prove thilt the law which is , may be regarded as the law , which ought to be , once we admit there is a law which is ought to be , we are admitting the existence of natural law. That is not to say that we have today even an approximation to an adequate science of natural law. The obstacles in the way are enormous. There are always”is”&”but”, dependent upon the facts of concrete situation. But the gain in knowledge particular in last ceritury , has been lmmense. e difference between the juristic material at the disposal say of Lord Eldon & Chief Justice Marshall , and that utilized by justice Holmes & Brandeis , represents a progress almost as great as that between Middle Age & 17th century. Men think differently who live differently , and unity which gives endurance and stability to a society is :. unattainable where they live so differently that they can’t see life in same terms.
  Page 209: Academic freedom in the U. S. has been constantly invaded by pressure from business men who have secured the dismissal of professors guilty of radical opinion.
  p. 210: So long as a workman can be dismissed , not because he is inefficient , but because his ecomomic or political opinions arouse distrust in his employer , their rela.tions impose constraint upon the former which are likely to be fatal to his freedom. That is why freedom of opinion under capitalism has always seem less to the working class than it has to the employer or to the intellectual.
  p. 211: Any state , :. , in which the instruments of prope民y are in private hands is , by that fact , leased in its incidence. It may state the right it confers in universal terms; it confines their effective enjoyment to the owners of property.
  接程民德、苏步青、柳翼谋晓沧二函 润科、侠武、翁咏霓函 王执中
  寄交通部金士宣函(为毕业生祝健服务湘桂路覆舟溺毙请抚事) 熊祥照、鲁立刚函

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月29日 星期日 遵义


  晨六点半起。九点周 2寄自来,知外语班可不取消但须移川之消息。振公、田德望来谈,知赴筑主持考试之人已回校,预期报名可一千二百人,但实在只 680人而已。余赴调时将剃刀忘在帽,亦不知是否遗失。今日向尊生借剃刀刮胡子。梅太太李今英来,渠在渝时与英大使夫人 Violet Seymour接洽,照成都华西与重庆中大办法,补助 u. C. R.款作为营养费。在成都、沙坪〔坝〕均以学生为目标。而此间拟以教职员家属为目标,先从遵义试办,计有教员 86家,职员 65家,共 480余人,拟送豆浆、鸡蛋等,并约乐素、洽周、劲夫、耀德、坤珊等五位太太加入为委员讨论之。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月28日 星期六 湄至遵


美国参议院以 89票对 2票通过《世界组织宪章》。英首相阿特里与外相贝文今日到柏林,预备重开三巨头会议于 Potsdamo Arthur Greenwood , Lord Privy Seal; Mr. Hugh Dalton , Chancel.lor of Exchequer; Wm. Towitt , Lord Chancellor.
邦华晤熊同和不值。遇成汝基,余嘱其照顾附中农场。据云,如有农夫三人则附中农场出产二百万元无疑问,但三个工人连伙食每年亦须百万元。季梁与哲敷来,知今日附中校长己正式交代,请季梁监交。哲敷未有现款交出,仅招考赴贵阳、遵义支取十九万元,故习生颇失望。沈文辅来,询何以校中不发渠聘书。余告以法、理与情三方而论,则依法,聘书期满学校、教授两方可各归自便;以情理而论,则友仁与文晖既势不两立,必须去其一。友仁愤患不平,谓何以不去欺骗为能事之吴文晖而去彼云。借哲敷、邦华至附中看新成之教职员宿舍,楼上下计二十间,费一百万 元,而大学女生宿舍旁三间房子费四十万元,相差远矣。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月27日 星期五 湄潭

晴。晨 27.3°,午后 34.0°。
泪潭晴。晨 27.3 0,午后 34.00 0

  英国内阁新组,外相贝文 Emest Bevin,财政部大臣达尔顿,贸易部克利浦斯 (Board of Trade) S. Cripps,枢密大臣磨礼孙 Herbert Morrison。下院人数,工党 390,保守党 195,自由党 11 , 国家自由党 14,独立工党 3,共产 2。我军克服桂林。三民主义青年团演讲。
  十点半讲演”怎样做一民主国家的公民”,首述自由、平等、博爱三者为近代民主之基础。但此三者,我国在理论上、哲学上均有相当基础,且不分种族、宗教,优于英美;言论自由胜于苏联;而对于殖民地之宽大则胜于任何一国。但传统之观念有应改变者三,即:(1)士大夫之传统观念,此与德国 Hegel学说谓工商惟利是图,农人无知识,故 Nohle应专政, Laski著 Stαte in Theory & Practice。在 Political Phi.losophy里称为 Idealist Philosophy,此说日后一方变成 Fascism,而一方成为 Marx之学说,均偏于少数阶级专政者。无论士大夫或 Nohle或 Proletarian,均自私自利。(2)黄老学说,即曹参之垂拱而治。汉文帝尤信之。 Thomas Jefferson杰弗逊亦信 . Best government is the one does least governing最好的政府是管得最少的政府。但自由竞争结果产生 trust,个人取黄老学说则寻常时间太保守,战时变汉奸。且不顾是非而论利害,酿成目前之政府平时谁也不监视,明哲保身的现象。 (3)凡作事不应以个人利害为出发点,应以大多数人民之最大幸福为出发点。吾人评衡一切,均须以此为标准。譬如五区近开运动会,提倡体育,是-件好事,但用款达千万元以上,则劳民伤财。遵义建中正堂,是地方上之急需,但各区每区出一百万元,以平民脂膏作此用,则未免浪费。浙大年费数千万金,而在社会国家有多少供献,亦值得吾人深省。讲计一小时,听者六七十人。晤陈庸声、高尚志、谢文治等。在会中膳。闻除米外,每人伙食费每天 190元。回。睡一小时。润科来谈。三点开行政谈话会,毕业生请八月公费不准,住宅租金决付二年半,共 500,000元。晚膳后与亦秋、润苍、鸿适、福山谈地租。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月26日 星期四 湄潭

睛。晨外间 25.6°,下午 33.7°。
湘潭睛。晨外间 25.6 0,下午 33.7 0。

  英国大选结果揭晓,工党获胜,邱吉尔辞首相,阿特里 Clement R. Attlee组阁。浙大招新生,在重庆托中大招 120名,成都武大代招 30,昆明联大代招 30名。在贵阳浙大主试代中大招 140名,联大 30,武大 20,云大 40名,国立女师 20名。报名人数遵义 142人,贵阳报名 680人。
  晨六点半起。七点许鉴明来谈。早餐后,八点至农场。遇沈隆威,谈知农场本季种洋葱得二千斤,售价二十余万元,又种子八万元。而所得数,据邦华云本季不肯还地租(四十九万元,即包谷十担半之谱),要学校垫款,至秋季始拿出,在半句内用以经营云云。余购西瓜五个,每斤 200元,需价五千,黄金瓜二十斤,计二千元,价可蒙人矣。
  九点至生物系晤贝时璋、吴长春、汤独新,生物系在夏季研究工作照常进行。出至农化系晤罗登义不值,至其寓谈彭谦辞职事。十一点晤彭谦,知渠之所以辞,因去年杨守珍辞职,校中未请渠担任系主任;系中添置设备,土壤〔系〕特少;及助教住屋等问题,谓邦华欺人太甚云云。余劝解,似无效。回至数学研究所,元人在内,有助教及一小孩而己。回。中午时邦华来谈地租、聘人等问题。膳后睡一小时。午后王爱予、贝时璋、孙稚苏三人来谈,为三系合作设立化学药物研究所事,并谈及各种工作。又邦华与罗登义来,知彭谦去志己坚,故土壤须另行物色人选。晚膳时哲敷、爱予、江希明、高直侯四人来,为粮食事。舒鸿任内有不兑米之粮票,因取时过迟,校中不给,但此粮是否存校中是一问题。又校中之粮在]Jle城 90里至外五十,协记索运资,因此发生问题。此外则自八月起,县政府通知因粮尽不能拨米云云。膳后吴文晖来谈。又徐思衡借其弟来,知徐将回重庆,其父亲(培根)现为陆大教育长。据云,渠在渝可遇梅儿云。森森(天宜)来谈,至十点半睡。
  英、美、中三国领袖由波茨坦 Potsdam提出和平条件要日本投降,日本政治会会长南次郎接见记者表示拒绝。其条件重要点如下:(一)妄欲征服世界之权威及势力必须剔除。(二)新秩序未成立前,日本领土经盟国指定必须占领。(三) Cairo 开罗宣言必须实施,日本主权必须限于本州、北海道、九州、四国及吾人所决定之小岛。(四)日本军队在完全解除武装〔后〕,允许还乡。(五)战争罪犯交法律裁判。(六)依据人民之意志,成立倾向和平与负责之政府后,占领军队即撤消。

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月25日 星期三 遵义赴湄潭

遵义赴泪潭晨晴260,27.0″。下午睛。晚月色佳。下午外间31.90 0

  Harold Laski The 5tαte in Theory and Practice.
  Laski p. 65: Hegel以为工商界利欲熏心, they may have intelligence , but they are sunk in narrow and self时1 particularity。农人忠心,但无知识, may have loyalty to the whole but through lack of intelligence it is blind and silent trust , it makes him a healthy element in state , but it shows unfitness for exercise of those qualities which govemment demands. It is only the nobility which can rise above the selfish interest of their class to the plane where private duty becomes with public. The whole , it is argued , is greater than its parts , the interest of the nation state must therefore be regarded as greater than the interest of anyone or anybody of its numbers (p. 67) .

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月24日 星期二 遵义

00遵义日中晴。下午88F晨阴26.527.50飞晚月色, 0 美国飞机二千架出动炸吴港、大阪、名古屋,投弹4000吨。广西我军逼临川,抵阳朔。新la Follette World Charter Magazine June 11疆测候。Robert1945)。(Timeon , 晨六点三刻起。八点半至校。陈国才知已由法院羁押所得保释,在看守所一月每日伙食费一千元,尚系校中所付也。渠谓吴宗辉在法庭不承认渠有钥匙,此点与吴亲口告余谓吴于事前失去钥匙相矛盾,若非P叫uη伪证,即事先说谎。又胡

  美国飞机二千架出动炸吴港、大阪、名古屋,投弹4000吨。广西我军逼临川,抵阳朔。新疆测候。Robert la Follette on World Charter (Time Magazine June 11,1945)。
  晨六点三刻起。八点半至校。陈国才知已由法院羁押所得保释,在看守所一月每日伙食费一千元,尚系校中所付也。渠谓吴宗辉在法庭不承认渠有钥匙,此点与吴亲口告余谓吴于事前失去钥匙相矛盾,若非Perjury伪证,即事先说谎。又胡颂翰来,为同乡会购地置坟山事,云省高附近有山七亩,愿以四十〔万元〕出卖与同乡会云。得戚启勋函,知渠在兰州以空勤部队得由航空委员会派出国,计地勤十名,空勤七名,后者作轰炸领航用。并谓目前〔新〕疆地有仪器测候者为哈密、奇台、乌苏、焉霄,均 24h 观测,将成立者有库车、阿克苏、七角井等。又谓伊犁回去乞叛变未有转机,国军一部为回部所俘云。
  午后睡一小时。三点至校。作函数通。中英科学合作馆 Dr. Sanders、 Dr. Pickens及何君来,带来书籍若干。余约其住办公楼上实验室,并关照惠国农与教育系程君招顾。晚七点借 Sanders , Pickens及何君在上海酒楼晚餐,允敏及松松亦往。据 Pickens云,渠等拟往贵阳、安顺及昆明,于九月二十日左右始回渝。李约瑟己自莫斯科回,拟与其夫人赴西安,并欲至武功及西康一游。 Sanders将于十月返国,Pickens明年三月间〔返国〕,李约瑟于战事终结返国。 Roxby现在昆明,暑后始回云。八点半告别,回。晚月色大佳,今日为六月十六,阴历正月望也。
  Senator Rob. La Follette批评《世界宪章》。The past should teach us that the most heartifully worded and cleverly contrived .nstrument of enforcement will fail , if the final peace seulements are not firmly grounded in principle of freedom & justice. Russia is making the same mistakes , which France made after World War 1, when she placed her faith in a ring of satellite states. 邱吉尔dogmatic and at times arrogant refusal to discuss plans for freedom for the subject people deserve the greatest censure.
  接戚启勋、宽甫、路季讷电 宝堃函 索天章
  寄胡哲敷、费福焘(为王守竞、冀朝鼎、夏屏芳三人送六十美金赠仪事)、宝堃函 寄润科、蔚光、叔谅、陈剑修函 孙嗣良等函 苏步青、朱骝先及徐佩璜

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月23日 星期一 遵


  晨六点半起。八点至校。关照魏春孚发今晚请帖。作函与谈家损,渠于本年四月初四由渝出发,六月二日到纽约。在印度曾至加尔各塔大学演讲二礼拜,大概系印度学生Kahn之关系也。由 Ca:sablanca飞南美,费时卅小时。至哥伦比亚大学动物系,(系〕中人以中国抗战八年尚能作如许研究工作大为惊异云云。
  Harold Laski 《理论与实在之国家》, p. 15: Aristotle “State exists to promote the good life. ”
  Hobbes “There can be no civilization without the security state provides by its pow.er over life & death. ”
  Locke “Only a common rule making organ , to the operation of which men consent can give us those rights to life & liberty & property without the peaceful enjoyment of which we condemned miserable existence. “
  Rousseau “Men could be more free than in precivil society by obeying the laws of state. ” Hegel “The state is the Divine idea as it exist on the Earth.
  Page 43: Hobbes’ immense edifice is built upon the dual foundation of a belief that human nature is evil and that only an irresistible sovereign can maintain order against its inherent tendency to evil. Locke starts with a belief in the goodness of human nature & the danger of any government which can act without regard to the wishes of its subjects. Rousseau sought a formula of state which in its operation would secure equal interest for all citizens in the result of social process.
  接邦华、鲁立刚、余文琴、季梁、润科、青年团浙大乡村服务队、何季渠、季梁 接季梁、润科、刚复、周国创、农院中央团部等函浙大三民主义青年团夏令讲习会件Floyd
  寄钱子宁函 谈家桢函 Masten函 周筠白附何季渠函 余建彬、曹置龄函

竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月22日 星期日 遵


  福建克诏安。 Harold Laski拉斯基The State in Theory & Practice 《理论与实在之国家》。
  晨七点起。八点至校。作函与晓峰。十点借松松回。途遇皮高品,新聘之图书馆主任也。皮借其长子来校,其长子投考浙大。皮,湖北人,在湖北武大为图书馆主任多年(七年),后以鲤生、皮皑白、通伯相率离去,遂离武大。借皮及汤君在寓坐片刻。途中又遇余建彬与曹宣龄,知将于廿九日即下星期日结婚。余以不久将去湄潭,故欲余证婚余颇有难色。午后热,房中将近90°F,即摄氏32°。睡一小时。阅Harold Laski The State in Theory &Practice。三点至柿花园一号洗浴。接三民主义青年团湄潭夏令讲习会来函,知该会于十八开始,己请高尚志、谢幼伟、朱希亮、李相助诸人讲演,名义上余为会长,但开会时未能出席。
  Harold Laski The Stαte in Theory & Practice , Allen & Unwin , 1935.
  Page 19: “The justification of coercive authority , the only title upon which it can claim the obedience of these over whom it is exercised is in the measure of its effort to satisfy the maximum demand, ” Page 21: By a state 1 mean society of this kind which is integrated by possessing a coercive force legally supreme over any individual or group which is part of the society. . This power is called sovereignty.
  Page 26: In the last analysis the state is built upon the ability of its government to operate successfully its supreme coercive power. For evelγcritical challenge to law involves a threat to order; and everγgovernment where ()]由~r is threatened , will neces.sary used the armed forces of the stat~ to preserve it.
  Page 32 ,31 : In medieval age law is regarded as God’s will , nowadays the jurist re.gards it as the will of the state.
  Page 37: Half the tragedies of social chqnge arise from our inability to persuade ourselves that we may be wrong. It is difficult to be scientific about cause and effect in human affairs as we can be scientific about them in the material world.
  寄叔永函 季梁函 晓峰函