晨晴,外间6P,房中64°,A.Cu 6 from W。下午房
南京晨晴, 外间6P ,房中640 , A. Cu 6 from W。下午房
中65 0 。
晨六点起。八点至地理所。作函与中告彬,嘱其重新考虑人公安局工作,要他回浙大。我想这完全不会有效,因为团的意见他要服从,我终于要失望的了。徐近之交来1928 年Douglas Johnson 著四e Geography ProspeCI ,评地理之所以不被人重视,颇多中肯之语。他认以地理的范围太广泛,不着边际,不能深入,学地理者严格训练太差,专门地理者多为二等角色,很少研究机会,功课太多等三点为重要的。
午后睡一小时。二点半至地理所开第一次处务会议,到刘恩兰、李旭旦、吴传日记. 1 950 年185钧、周立三、方俊、曾世英、陈述彭、曹婉如等。决定1951 年度预算、本年十一月决算,讨论借书、借图及借仪器章则,排定演讲会Seminar 办法。五点散。吴传钩来谈,知其为苏州人,瞿世英之婿。渠正在南京南郊调查土地利用,谓解放后至乡间调查比较易得材料,因党部有组织也。余嘱其注意农田上之坟基,以余估计,农田上因此荒废者百之四五也。六点回院。
T. Bergeron “The Problem of Artificial Control of Rainfall of Globe” < 人工控制降雨问题), Tellus , α quαrterly journal 01 Geophysics < 地球物理李干Ij) , Vol. l , No.1 , Feb. 1949 , pp.32-42.1. Lan阴阳和V. Schaffer 数年前用固体CO2 ( Seeding Cloud) 种云,使空气温度低到critical < 下> – 35 。之下,在此温度冰晶Ice nucleus 立刻结成。Schaffer 在1948 年估计, a single drop of ice pelJet of pea-size , during its fall through moist 凹,can produce 1016 ice nuclei before the pellet is evaporated. Cloud like stratus , St. Cu ,A. Cu, consists of minute water dropIω ( 1μ < r < 1 0μ) of rather unjform size 。称colloidally stable。在cumulus cloud ,因为对流,雨点大小不同了,造成colloid'al instability0 The only system of cloud m邸s which possesses intrinsic thermodynamic instabilityare those where water c优xists in 3 states. With T. below OOC unstable systemsare formed by clouds containing both superc∞led cloud droplets and ice crystals, becau臼E.. > Ej . 四e thermodynamical instability of cloud leads to veηrapid glaciation ofthe cloud and an effìcient release of precipitation &om it. At temp. – 120 C, E.. – Ei isat maxJ.mum.寄彬彬函( 孩儿巷双陈巷八号)