Philip T. Krein教授
男,博士,浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院(ZJUI)创院执行院长,教授,UIUC电子与计算机学系资深教授,美国工程院院士,IEEE Fellow。
Krein院士于1982年获得伊利诺伊大学电气工程博士学位。1997-1998年担任英国萨里大学福布莱特高级学者,1999年获评伊利诺伊大学最高研究奖。2003年获得电力电子领域IEEE William E. Newell奖项,2010-2015年担任香港理工大学电子与信息工程系学术顾问。Krein院士是IEEE电力电子学会前任主席,现担任IEEE电力电子会刊编辑,IEEE《电力电子前沿及代表性技术领域》副编辑。2015-2016年担任IEEE 交通电气化学会主席,2016年当选美国国家工程院院士。获2021年度IEEE交通技术奖。

Philip T Krein
Grainger Endowed Chair Emeritus in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Executive Dean, Zhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute, Haining, China

Philip T. Krein received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the A.B. degree in economics and business from Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana. He was an engineer with Tektronix in Beaverton, Oregon, and then returned to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At present, he holds the Grainger Endowed Chair Emeritus in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics as Professor Emeritus and Director of the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics. He was the founding Executive Dean of the Zhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute, started in 2016. His research interests address all aspects of power electronics, machines, drives, transportation electrification, and renewable energy, with emphasis on nonlinear control approaches. He published an undergraduate textbook, Elements of Power Electronics (Oxford University Press, second edition 2015). In 2001, he helped initiate the International Future Energy Challenge, a major student competition involving fuel cell power conversion and energy efficiency. From 2008 through 2015 he chaired the New Building Committee in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and contributed several energy and design innovations to the new ECE Building at Illinois. He holds forty-two U.S. patents.
Dr. Krein is a registered professional engineer in Illinois and in Oregon. He was a senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom in 1997-98, and was recognized as a University Scholar in 1999, the highest research award at the University of Illinois. He received the IEEE William E. Newell Award in Power Electronics in 2003 and the IEEE Transportation Technologies Award in 2021. In 1999-2000 he served as President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society. In 2003-2004 he was a member of the IEEE Board of Directors. From 2003-2014 he was a member of the board of directors of SolarBridge Technologies, the leading innovator of integrated ac solar panels. He was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 2016. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. In 2005-2007, he was a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power Electronics Society. In 2015-2016, he was Chair of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community. In 2017, he was recognized as a Foreign Expert under the China 1,000 Talents Program. He is a Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors.