
辰羲留言 | 贡献2022年10月20日 (四) 10:50的版本
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Songrui Zhao
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Zhao is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University. He has Ph.D. degrees in both Electrical Engineering (McGill) and Solid State Physics (Zhejiang University), his undergraduate study was with Chu-Kochen Honors College of Zhejiang University. He is the recipient of McGill Peter Silvester Research Award, MBE Young Investigator Award, National Research Council Research Fellowship, and multiple MBE Outstanding Paper Award. His recent research interests include molecular beam epitaxy of III-nitride nanostructures, photonics/nanophotonics, clean energy, and quantum technologies. He has published more than 70 refereed journal papers, and 60 refereed conference papers/talks. He is also the co-author of 5 book chapters and co-inventor of 4 patents.
