晴。 晨22°。白枣上市。
中午回。何浩若夫妇与马寅初来,在何家巷相候。余与晓峰往,何必欲歇桐梓,故下午二点即去,何之夫人为允敏同学。寅初〈三) [两〕年不相见,不见苍老,但绝口不谈,询之惟唯唯而已。二点至校。作函与布雷,为经费事。四点半回寓。
Lincoln p. 393 and 405: Had the war been nothing more than a duel between theadversaries , the south would have been invincible. The decisive factor was the blockade, which made it impossible for south to procure raw material and weapon from Europe, and also prevent export. … 1t was a land almost deprived of salt. 1n winter ,there was no coal , in summer there was no ice , wood had to be used instead of leather皮, there was no suitable diet for the sick , and there was sho由ge of drugs a count可二•where hunger gnawed and wastage of men 不能代。
接3留先函邵秀林函许仁章函梓铭电士生函寄刘守绩又托建人带渝士选函谈家桢、贝时璋寄徐志萝函崔苹村电布雷、立夫函(托建人带去) 步青函寄士俊、叔永函