遵义 雨。日中阴。晨17°。
Willkie 返国经Alaska 阿拉斯加。梅又发气喘,上午打针一次。
晨八点至校。梅又发气喘,戚美英来打一针,即气喘消除。迪生、荩谋、谭季龙诸人来,谈周克英辞职,拟函催金陵刘国钧来校。中午回。膳后剃头。三点开行政谈话会,到迪生、王欲为、舒鸿及劲夫。决定星期六为运动会,放假一天,星期四下午三点半请吴主席演讲。本年校务会议代表己举出,共收79 票,已达2/3 票数。
计佘坤珊42 ,黄羽仪39 ,储润科34 ,左之33 ,建功32 ,顾俶南32 ,钱琢如28 ,杨耀德28 ,孙逢吉26 ,沈尚贤25 ,振公23 ,驾吾23 等十二人。候补钱钟韩、建人。晚希文回。知运动会渠报名800 、1500 , 5000 米三项。
Wendell Willkie’s statement to Chunking Press 对重庆新闻界的讲话, Oét. 7 ,’42. Even the name of Atlantic Chαrter {大西洋宪幸) disturbs thoughtful飞men andwomen 1 have been talking to , we believe this war might mean an end to the empire qfnations over other nations. Not a foot of Chinese soil should be or can be ruled fróní nowon except by the people who live on it , and we must say so now and not after the war.《自由西报) Oct. 8 。