竺可桢日记 (1943年)9月30日 星期四 湄


湄 晨微雨不止,下午阴。晨12.00 , 午后16.2°。

  、• r英国发明外科药penicillin 青霉素,用以除菌极有效。
  到罗凤超、邱渊若、孙斯大、蔡院长及钮志芳,通过秋季学期预算六万三千元及工读生左学金等三十人,预算中每月有6000 为工读费。借斯大晤建人。4 回。晚晓沧〔来J ~知钟英病又剧,竟打其母亲至于臂出血,乃将其禁闭于玉皇阁。
  ’晚阅Reader’s Digest 四月份”Thomas Jefferson” by Donald Peattie , pp. 1 6 。杰福生死于一八二六年
  七月四日,正值独立五十周纪念日。他说:1 shall not die withouta hope that light and liberty are on a steady aâvance. Even shoùld the cloud of barbarismand despotism again obscure the science and liberty of Europè , this coíint巧remainsto preserve and restore light and liberty to them. … The ‘flaine kindled on the4th of July 1776 have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feebleengines cif desþotism; cin the contrary , they will consume them and all who work them.接振公函H寄允敏No.10 刚复电


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