竺可桢日记 (1944年)4月1日 星期六 渝

  晨六点半起。阅J. A. Rudolph Allergy αnd Its Applicαtion, Dorrance , Philadel.phia , 1937。其中Chap.7有云, Bronchial asthma is that form of atopic illness which manifest itself in Tecurrent attacks of paroxysmal dyspnea , particularly in the expiratory pleura. Heredity in 50%. The lesion is primarily one of the lining mucosa which becomes edematous. The muscle becomes spasmodic and an outpouring of exudates into the lumen takes place. The mucous plugs obstruct lumen , thus embarrassing respiration. Chap. 9 , Treatment: (a) Adrenalin or Epinephrine is the drug of greatest usefulness. The dose is 2 7 minims of 1/1000 solution administrated hypodermically &re.peated as often as necessaη.All patients with Chronic asthma should be taught to ad.minister adrenalin themselves. 又 Adrenalin HCL 111000 dilution O. 1 to 0.5 cc. Epi.nephrine (adrenalin) is the active principle of the medulla of the suprarenal gland is a stimulant to the peripheral and organ of the sympathetic nerves , poorly absorbed by mu.cous surface , and only slowly absorbed after intramuscular or subcutaneous i时ection, but has . . . action following administration. This action is of short duration , smce It leaves the blood rapidly & soon oxidized. Its effect can be maintained by continuous ad.口1l1llstratlOn m small amounts.五分至十分即见效,三十分钟全恢复。但只能last 30′ 2h , subcutaneous lasts 2 times as long as .ntravenous ,因 peripheral area收吸慢。 The proper dose is much smaller than recommended.书中劝用0.5 1. 00 cc (8 15 m n mCB of 1/1000 solution,而医生有时用1 Ampoule (1 cc) such doses are danger.ous , causes attack of palpitation , cardiac irregularity , mtense throbbing headache , vomiting , extreme weakness. The epinephrine reaction is unnecessaηas the full thera.peutic effect of asthma can be obtained by small amount. Give 0.2 to 0.4 cc of the 111000 solution subcutaneously. The attack will subside in 5′ in most cases. If it does not , the dose should be repeated in 20′. Patients having severe attacks will have recur.rence of symptoms in a few hours. For these observe frequency & administer a dose of Epinephrine immediate before the beginning of next attack. The administration of O.3 cc of 111000 solution eveη3 or 4 hrs day & night will prevent symptoms so that less of the drug will be used than would be required during an advanced paroxysm. A glass syringe should be used , this should be boiled , since a small amount of alcohol may de.stroyed the drug. The solution must be CIγstal clear & colorless. The slightest tinge in.dicates the drugs potency has been lost. Ephedrine is the alkaloid麻黄(Ma Huang)在中国为药己数千年。Its effect on sympathetic nerve is same as Epinephrine. Readily absorbed from the gastro intestinal to act故可以口吃。 自 1924以来, Chen &Schmidt 即用之,but experience show it is not as valuable as expected. A full therapeutic dose rarely relieves a severe attack. It is helpful in continuous doses in preventing mild sei.zures , and does control the wheezing of mild asthmatic state. It is best administered as the HCL or sulphate in dose of 25 65 mgms. Effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours. It produces wakefulness , bad dreams , marked weakness , sweatmg , and in some cardiac irregularity. It is our custom to prescribe from 5-10 mgm of amytal with each 50 mgm of phedrin HCM, 4 times daily. Extra doses are of questionable value. It is solvable in oil. 1% solution is convenient for nasal use. Opium in any form is dangerous in asthma. This is全国 allergist一致意见。 Death in an acute attack of asthma is rare but we have observed in 6 cases,五次用 Mo甲hine,一次用 Codeine。用药后呼吸更困难。 Post mo时em检查。 The entire bronchial tree was filled with mucous exudates so tenacious that it was difficult to pull it away. Bedadonnu , Stramonium , Hyoscyamin.这三种均靠 Atropine成份 Atropine paralyzes the innemation of bronchial muscles hence causing dilation & reduction in the secretion of mucus. Best result are obtained when inhaled. This can be accomplished by inhaling the smoke produced by.buming stramonium pow.der or stramonium cigarette , 1 gm of stramonium =0. 3 0.5 mgm of atropine. Most of asthma cigarette contain stramonium , some contain tobacco , lobelia , anise , etc. The inhalation of smoke is followed by a few minutes by cough & expectoration of the mu.cous plug which were obstructing the bronchial tree. Atropine is not useful when admin.istered by any other route.
  新城新藏《东洋天文学史研究》。p. 523″汉代所见之诸种历法”(民九年著) , 结论谓: ( 1 )春秋后半叶,大约 BC 600年后,似巳行-定之历法,采冬至为标准,以西元 595 BC为部首,乃恐为一种四分历,即七十六年法。西洋之七十六年法系创于 Callipus,在 BC 334 0 (2)自汉初迄太初所施行之历法为制项历。 (3)太初元年以来所行之历法为邓平之 81分法。前汉末刘散于此历法更附加超辰法,遂完成三统历。 (4)三统历所采用之日蚀周期为 135个月,在《史记》己露其端倪({天官书~)。而泰西所知之日蚀周期为 Chaldeans之 Soros,其周期为 223个月。二者极然不同。故断定秦汉时代中国历法与泰西元关。又民国十七年著《战国秦汉之历法 hp.525 610,四分历法者乃以-年之长为三六五·二五日,其十九年之长适为 235个月,每逢 76年朔夜半冬至等更反复如前之历法也。 365.25 x 19 x 4 = 29. 53085 x 235 x 4 = 27759日。此七十六年称为一部。但因其日数不能 60日除尽,故干支不能如前。若再乘以二十,即每二十部则季节朔日之位置又复如前。故四分历以 1520年为一纪。《史记·历书》当太初改历之时,有一历法案曾欲采用,是为太初四分历,认元封七年前十二月甲子前夜半适为朔与冬至相合,将称此年为太初元年,焉逢摄提格岁。但因沿用已久之顿硕历称此年为丙子,又自战国后半叶以来均用夏正,故此历遂撤回。四分历之置闰法为每隔 33月、 33月、 32月、 33月、 32月、 33月、 32月,而月大小之交替则每隔 17个月, 17个月及 15个月有连大之月。制项历亦为四分历之一种,与三统不同者,即以冬至为立春,甲子为甲寅,夜半为晨初是也。殷历则亦为四分历,但以 BC 1567或其后一纪 BC 47为历元,并以此年前十一月甲子夜半为朔与冬至相合之期。《左传》与《国语》系作于战国时代之中叶,即 360 BC。《左传·文公元年》载有”于是闰三月,非礼也。先王之正时也,履端于始,举正于中,归余于中〔终〕”云云。可知当时已知置闰之法,须将气在望中。十九年之章法大体行自宣公十四年, BC 595。其始系以宣公十四年为章首之闰法。惟于 351 BC其章首提早三年,而变为殷历之闰法。秦二十六年以后又改成岁终置闰,遂有”后九月”之称。以至太初建大月配置法,春秋后半叶至BC 443为 17,17,15个月间隔法,443BC以后变为76年法。故十九年法较之泰西梅顿 Metonic (BC 432)早160年,七十六年法比之泰西早110年云云。


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