竺可桢日记 (1945年)5月30日 星期三 遵义

晴。晨 21°。
遵义晴。晨 21 0。

  物价遵义五月昆明五月绍兴(去年十月) 贵阳(七月) 北磅(七月) 米每市担30 ,000 50 ,000 6000 42,00。 8000 肉每斤600 1500 1200 400
《苏联在远东}, Time Magazine April 16 , 1945 0 p. 7 , At Yaha , Stalin for the 1 st time discussed Pacific affairs with Roosevelt & Churchill. The embarrassing fact is that the U. S. and British govemments would just as soon finish off the Japanese witnout Russia’s valuable but hardly indispensable aid.τheir reason is that peace in Asia would be a lot easier to make arid maintain if Russia were not at the Pacific peace table. In Cairo , Dec. , 1943,民&C. gave their national word of honor to (1) retum Manchu.ria to China , (2) make Korea a free count巧. Both promises run counter to Russia’s interest and history in Asia. At the least will almost certainly demand economic priority in Manchuria , at the most outright possession.
  接钟道锠函 陈正修函
  寄莹莹、蔚光、九章函 家玉电


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