竺可桢日记 (1945年)8月4日 星期六 遵义

遵义晨雨21.50,27.04″。上午雨不止,连续四小时。下午继续雨, 21 0 , 27.02飞晚雨。

Laski on productive process as a basis of历史哲学。
Harold Laski The Stαte in Theory & Prαcti町, State & Govemment in Real World.
p. 106: The proper basis of a political philosophy is a philosophy of history. When we can explain the causation of historic events , we have the material upon which to build the postulates of a satisfactory theory of state. There is no doubt no lack of such philosophies. History is the record of unfolding of God’s will , or with Hegel , it. is the march of absolute. Or social change is explained in terms of climatic change; we are to expect democracy in the temperate & despotism in the torrid zone or we are to take his.tory as the biography of great men.

p. 108: Change in the methods of economic production appears to be the most vital factor in the making of change in all the other pattems we know.

p. 111 : Any group which possesses the sovereign power in society will be guided in its use of it by the way in which the maximum satisfaction of wants can be secured by its exercise. But its conception of that way will necessarily be colored by its special relation to the process of production.

p. 115: The epoch of rapid change are those in which the methods of production changes rapidly also , and epochs of relative stability are those in which men pursue their wanted methods of production without notable differences.

Page 116: HistOIγis a record of a struggle between groups who claims the produc.tIve process.


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