竺可桢日记 (1946年)3月18日 星期一 遵义

遵义晨阴10 0 , 27.10飞日中阴。晚11 0 , 27.02飞桃、梨开花盛极将衰。

  莫斯科国会通过以史大林为内阁总理兼海陆空元首兼共党中央会议主席,以莫洛托夫为副主席兼外长,前苏维埃主席加列宁已辞职。谢文龙来,并交其公子谢瑞璋件一包。HerbertSpencer on the importance of a knowledge of physiology .晨七点起。八点三刻至校。谢文龙来,知渠于十六〔日〕离重庆,家玉以教育部款尚有二千万未提出,故未能同来。关于购汽油,谢局长允向汉口提,至长沙转运。液体燃料委员会事先已说妥,可自汉口购汽油二万加仑。如此则可省钱不少也。谢局长于月底尚要去重庆,余谓如在下月初,愿搭车同往。谈→刻钟即告别。
  二点至校。阅Herbert Spencer on Education , edited by F. A. Cavenagh ,共四章:(1)何种知识价值最大, (2) 理知教育, (3) 道德教育, (4) 健康教育。是殆昔人所谓知育、德育、体育也。四点半回。胡英帽在寓谈半小时。黄尊生太太余岩竹来,寻告别。六点晚膳oHerbert Spencer Educαtion , pp. 18 一一19. If any one doubts the importance of an acquaintance with the principle of physiology as a means of complete living , let him look around & see how many men and women can find in middle or later life who are thoroughly well. 此系九十年以前英国现状,但目前中国尚系如此,一到中年万事休。
  Only occasionally do we meet with an example of vigorous health continued to oldage; hourly do we meet with an example of acute disorder , chronic ailment , general debility , premature decrepitude.Life besides being thus immensely deteriorated is also cut short. It is not true as the commonly suppose that after a disorder or disease , from which we have recovered ,we are as before. No disturbance of the normal course of the functions can pass away and leave things as they were. A permanent damage is done.p. 30: Are children doomed to a monotonous dietary , or a dietary , i. e. deficient in nutritiveness. Their ultimate physical vigor and efficiency as men & women will inevitably diminished by it.读此不能不回想到廿年以前希文、梅儿等营养之不良。
  接家玉、润科函 吴文晖函
  寄钱莱公、罗绍元、吴保容、吴文晖函 邦华、建功、步青、陈令仪、顾其治、毛汉礼、许厚


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