遵义晨阴8 0 , 27.50″ ,校中7.5 0 0
英殖民地大臣克利浦斯、陆军大臣亚力山大、事务大臣劳伦斯三人连袂于今日飞印度,与印督魏斐尔及甘地、尼赫鲁、真纳等讨论印度独立问题。苏军向满州里撤退,运走粮食。苏军自长春撤退,事前并未通知中国。Robert Rusk The Doctrines 0/ Creαt Ed町ωors.
晨七点起。读Herbert Spencer on Educαtiono 氏以为各种美术均赖科学,以现在视,殊与事实背谬。但当时科学初兴,反对之声不绝,氏独以为科学应提倡。Tothe question what knowledge is of most wo础? The uniform reply is science. 氏且预告云, Science proclaimed as highest alike in worth as beauty wiII reign supreme 云云(see end of Chapter one) 。
八点半回。阅新到Robert Rusk The Doctrines 01 the Great Educators , Macmillan 1937(1 st Ed. 1918) 。
Chap. 1 , Plato: 一After the division of the citizens into 3 classes , the industrial ,the militaη , and the ruling , has been established , the state assumes a permanent structure, i. e. a system of caste. Although the education of soldier & ruling class or philosopher are treated at considerable length , no mention is made in the Republic of the education of the industrial class. There would be no specific training in citizenship , for these members of the community have no voice in the govemment.”Plato’s guiding principle in education: -that nothing must be admitted in education which does not conduce to the promotion of virtue”. Rusk , Chap. 1 , p. 14. “All the useful arts were reckoned mean. ” Plato’s Republic.