13 至70 岁妇女被奸者千人。Bates 亦到庭作证。George Satayana on old age.晨五点即起。盟漱后收拾行李,留→字条与仲济,告以室内收音器转动之Knob 己为余弄坏,并告以星期五六将回上海,将钥匙交与门警。乘淮南矿路公司167之汽车至北站时方六点也。六点卅余分抵车站,登凯旋号车,因对号坐故不觉挤,今日有风,亦不觉热。
在车中阅《科学》月刊廿八卷三期,上有余著《为什么中国古代没有产生自然科学》 ,乃去年八月间所作,事隔一年始行登出。又阅美国Time 周刊六月廿四日出版及Haroard Alumni Bulletin May 11 , 1946 中有George Satayana ’86 函,氏年已83岁,但仍健康。”And the charm 1 find in old age for 1 was never happier than 1 amnow-comes of having leamed to live in the moment , and thereby in etemity; and thismeans recovering a perpetual youth , since nothing can be fresher than each 〔day〕 as itdawns and changes , when we have no expectations , the actual is a continual free gift ,but much more placidly accepted than it could be when we were children; far than thestage was full of trap doors and unimaginative transformations that kept us alwaysalarmed , eager , and on the point of tears. “同号又有Leverett Saltonstall 索顿斯托尔著Notes of a novice senator ,谓一年来作Senator 之经历。一点半至神策门。余在此下车,遇浙大机械系学生及其舅父孙耀三(孙耀三乃义合东砖瓦厂经理)。二点至北极阁气象所。上山遇宝堃。四点李善邦来。六点至珞珈路22 号晤默君,遇六弟、能能及梅儿。十点回。