竺可桢日记 (1946年)7月28日 星期日 杭州

杭 州侵晓大雨,有雷。下午睛。晚29 0 0中午,绍兴旅杭同乡会请绍兴专员郑小隐、县长林泽。

  ”Radar and Weather” by R. H. Maynard , lournal 0/ Met. Dec. 1945 , p. 215.Storm types detectable by radar are showers , squall lines , thunderstorms , coldfronts , warm fronts , < occulded) [occluded) fronts , Typhoons and Tornadoes. Rangesat which these storms can be detected depend on their vertical extent. For storms ofm∞, vertical extent only 8 miles; 10 ,000' , 120 miles and 20 ,000' , 175 miles.The characteristics on a PPI (plan position indicator) are as follows: Showers , onPPI scopes showers have poorly defined edge and show a hazy character, generally withwinds. Squall lines , similar to showers show a band arrangement. Thunderstorms , v町easily detected , on PPI scope appears as a bright dense central area with distinctboundaries. The maximum angle of elevation at which the echo is received gives a rough171measure of the height of thunderstorm. Cold fronts appears as a zone of well definedechoes moving across the field of PPI scope. The echoes may join or break up. Warmfronts echoes are indistinct and cover wide areas , occluded fronts produces an echo similarto warm fronts. Typhoons , eye of storm appears as dark area , sUITounded by curvedbands , with feathered edges , very unmistakable.接高直侯二函陈令仪、方正三、留黔同学会、匿名攻击金维坚函金公亮、王金陵函金咏深、谢幼伟、薛良叔、晓峰二函金梵音、宁宁、羽仪太太二函俞心湛二函振公二函黄尊生、默君、莫葵卿、姜容熙、贺师俊、崔东伯、楼光来、蔡谅友函谢屡电


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