竺可桢日记 (1947年)3月16日 星期日 〔剑桥〕


  Marshall at Moscow 外交长会议: “The V. S. believes that human beings have certain inalienablerights. They include the right of every individual to develop his mind and his soul , free of fear &coercion , provided only that he does not interfere with right of others. “叶允竞及钮因美来。
  晨七点三刻起。九点早餐后,十点至Kirkland St. 52 号晤许心武。许系教育部派来,同时渠又为中大教授,到处为中大觅人。前渠介绍董若芬女士,昨接Iowa State University大学化学(工)系主任George Glockler 函,知董系教理论分析化学,于浙大需要化工者不合也。许今日又将去Brown ,大概是为中大请人云。回。
  十点半钮因美来,约星期二去看钟士模,浙大高工毕业至交大,廿五年毕业,本年在M.I.T. 可得Ph.D. 云,专业电力。钮君又将书单交来,同时又帮助清理房间。
  十二点半军Cambridge St. 1683号晤陈衡哲,并晤其三小孩,以都、安、书。以都在Vassar 瓦瑟学院毕业后,现在Radcliffe 拉德克利夫学院为历史研究生;安在剑桥高中三,本年可以毕业,欲进Comell 康奈尔大学;书己得Vassar 之奖学金,膳宿全免,故三人均有办法矣。
  中膳后回。叶允竞来,系武汉教授,派来M.I.T. 习电机,十年前王乃相?曾介绍至浙大者,住Massachusetts Ave. 290 号云。下午作函数通。七点至27 WalkerSt.晚膳,到朱兰成、任之恭夫妇、萧庆云、程天放、杨兆龙、李方桂等。膳后听元任新购Dictaphone ,称为Soundscriber 声音录写器,系用收音记于Plastic 塑胶片上,即立可昕取。一片之大直径6″ ,而可唱十五分钟,价每张9ø , 但机价二百余元,对于演讲校正声音极佳,但对于音乐并不相宜云云。十点回。
  Dean Acheson 支奇逊, undersecretary of State Department , Feb. 10 testified beforeCongressional Commit. of 原子能stated that “Russian foreign policy is an aggressiveand expanding one”. March 20 before Congre. Comm. he said “American interventionin Greece & Turkey should promote peace by helping to stabilize the intemationalsituation”. He wamed that failure to provide the aid might result in collapse and a Communist seizure of power in Greece , :. hence endanger security of U. S. DeanAcheson asked if a Communist duminated govemment in China would also be a danger ,said U. S. should not look with favor upon that.
  寄晓沧等No.10、陆次兰函 Pittsburg张禄经函


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