竺可桢日记 (1947年)3月18日 星期二 Cambridge

Cambridge 晴。下午2:3038 0 0

  莫斯科四外长会议,俄国提出要德赔偿-百万万美金。下午顾培慕来c拥9晨七点起。九点至Widener Library ,阅Haroard Alumni Bulletin 0 至一点中膳。
  膳后回。三点半至Massachusetts Ave. 290 Apt. 7 晤钟士模及钮因美。钟系高工毕业,考取交大电机,毕业在清华,由清华出洋至MIT ,今年可毕业得博士学位。在Prof. Lion 指导〔下〕工作,习电力,其老师视为不可多得之人。余以浙大电力虽有劲夫及杨耀德二人,但均嫌太忙,故请其下年至浙大。赵忠尧、叶允竟来,谈一小时。
  五点至邮政局提取Long Island Durham Aircraft Service 寄来C. O. D. Type B 11Kollsman Sensitive Altimeter 灵敏高度表,价24 元,连寄费共24.67 。此系美陆军部剩余物资,闻极精密云( War Assets Administration) 。晚七点天放、元任夫妇来,借乘车至Kirkland Place 13 号Prof. HenrγW. Holmes 家晚膳,到Morris Edward Opler(Assistant Prof. of Education) 及其夫人与Holmes 之女公子某夫人。今日请吃Turkey火鸡,膳极丰盛,亦以余为郭子杰带一手表送与Holmes 也。膳时谈及共产党问题, Holmes 对于社会主义并不反对,但于共产党不同情。Mrs. Holmes 为Illinois地主,祖父有回25 ∞o Acres 英亩云,曾在Illinois ì卖Short course 。十点回OY. K. Chesterton: “It is quite certain that realist like Zola do in one sense prumotemorality , they promote it in the sense in which the hangman promotes it , in thesense the devil promotes it. But they only affect that small minority which will acceptany virtue as long as we don’t as them , for the virtue of courage most healthy people dismissthose moral dangers as they dismiss the possibility of bombs or microbes. Modemrealist are indeed terrorist , like the dynamiters , & they fail just as much in their effortto cr,回te a thrill. ” On the Negative Spirit , Times Sundαy Magazine {纽约时报星期日刊}.寄晓沧Hαrper 期刊一本王端骥函


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