竺可桢日记 (1947年)3月29日 星期六 Cambridge

Cambridge 晴

  John Lewis 命令矿工四十万停工一星期,自四月一日至六日,为了Illinios 煤矿因设备不周,Block Gas 爆炸气体毒死矿r 110 人c 移住27 Walker SI. 0晨七点起。今日整理行李,将两只书箱与Trunk 中之物件理好,并将内容写缮。中膳后赵太太及lris 与方桂夫妇来,余将随身行李Suit case 三只,自331 HarvardSt.移至27 Walker St. ,傅李家得以移人。余住赵家二楼,其房间远较FacuhyClub -月六十元之屋为宽敞且明亮也。借赵太太至Coop 购赵太太《自传》二本,送与晓沧与季梁。至赵家后作函数通。一致晓沧。一致世界贸易公司李善述,并将所购书计算,计由该公〔司〕代办书籍为3600 余元,照例其得折扣之数已足以偿运费矣。晚赵家约University of Washington 中文政治教员王赣愚晚膳,并到吴保安、戴振锋诸人。吴将于下月赴武汉就事。余作函至十二点半睡。
  Report on the Communist Party by A. H. Raskin , Mar. 30 , N. Y. Times Magazine.The enrollment of Communist Party in U. S. is 70 ,000 , 114 of them failed to register, 4/5 of its memher organized in community cluhs & industrial cluhs. These cIubsserve as spearheads to spread the Communist program in industry. Most of the shopclubs functions secretly. The united front is the device through which a comparativehandful of Communist exert their influence over a hroad area of American affairs. TheCommunist got their day to day guidance on what their party expects them to do from the “daily workers” and regular readership of this other party publications is prescribed inthe constitution as a sine qua non of good standing in the party. Engene Dennis is thegeneral sec. and Wm. Z. Foster the leader and head , Earl Browder was the head from1930- 45 , forced out because of his compromising attitude with Capitalist. Hostility towardAmerican Communism is based less on their stated program than on the belief thatthey are the agents of the Soviet Union.接朱祖强、汪明琼(表、笔)、George Stoddard 、Trewartha 、Mete. Soc. 、Wm. Caldwell
  接LeeShao Chang 、Harriet Carrette (13 Kirkland) 函


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