竺可桢日记 (1948年)3月1日 星期一 杭

杭 晨晴40°,无霜。日中晴。傍晚41°。杨柳微露绿色。

  玉海楼书八箱到校。至西冷印社看梅,梅花多落,惟有一株白梅盛开。今日秤得去衣106 磅。
  晨七点起。上午作函数通。适晓峰来谈玉海楼书已有八箱善本到校,其中有宋、明版本,尚有二十箱在温州I ,亦将运杭。孙延钊返里后,其族人颇有反对无条件送给浙大之办法。而租赁孙家旧图书〔屋〕之军官,又以书如送给浙大则不肯迁出,因此有先送五千万元作为付房客之用之议。余决定提出星期三行〔政〕会议。
  土木系高楠〔后作”高珊”〕 来,渠〔系〕高平子之侄,住仁和里五号。
  Soviet Culture by George C. Guins , The Russian Review , Autumn 1947. Differences between the culture of W. and Soviet Union: 1) Although the capitalist W. is aprey to the materialist culture , it has not renounced either religion C or J idealism. The seelements are encouraged by church , philosophy or idealism. In the Soviet Union , however, the slightest manifestation becomes taboo. The materialist approach to life has become sovereign ruler of the thought of conduct. In the Soviet world socialism has become not merely a means of improving life , but the ultimate goal , a sort of idol all must be sacrificed. 2) In the W. the historically formed stratification of society and hierarchy of social groups , the division into upper and lower classes , have continued to fonn the basis of social life. The democratic foundations of the state structure of W. natìon svouch safe the possibility of moving from one class of socìety to another , and the better ment of their material conditions by means of an organized struggle for their ìnterest. In Soviet the upper classes of the pre-revolutionaηtime have been exterminated , and theoreticallyequality has been established without any division of upper and lower classes.3) In W. both culture and democracy have arisen upon the foundation of individualism.State exists in order to protect individual. In Soviet collectivìsm holds full sway. It inculcates the notion that man is only a tiny particle of the nation , its purpose is to toil for the realization of the aims of state.
  接叔永、希文、王季玉函 羽仪太太、农山、张国维、顾恩、赵意
  寄Bumpus 、希文、叔永、农山函


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