竺可桢日记 (1948年)6月28日 星期一 杭州


杭州 雨。晚77°。晚十点后大雨。

  晨六点半起。八点资源委员会派人事处处长龚祥瑞来Interview 面试本届赴资源委员会服务之毕业生,计有电机、机械、土木、化工、化学、病虫害、农艺,共十七人之谱。龚君系清华政治系毕业,为钱端升、张莫若之学生,与李浩培为英国留学同学云。
  农学院毕业生章恢志、丁振麟、王先之、屠愣(农林部推广蕃殖场)四人来谈,以省政府改〔组〕希望浙农业改进所能与浙大农学院取得密切联系,以过去莫定生不录用浙大毕业生也。汪干夫来,知其于昨到杭,余本约其乘汽车由沪来杭,惜未知其地址,故未能在沪谋面。王季午来,谈甚久。午后睡一小时。三点开行政会议,决定毕业典礼改在七月五日举〔行〕,因一号时间过于局促也。准暑〈校〉〔期〕留校学生办暑期补习班,但不得用电灯,副教授最高薪提高至460 ,讲师至360 元。
  六点散。晚允仪来谈。阅New York Sunday Times May 23 , 1948 。
  《纽约时报》评共产党。New York Times July 2 (星期五) , 1948 Editorial “Theycannot cooperate”. Italy is the last of the nations to learn (西欧国家) that the popularfront means the complete subordination of the socialists to the communists. In the Sovietsphere it has been a device used to put 共产党少数in power , a ladder to be kick asideas soon as its purpose is served. One of the charges against Tito is that he clings to thepopular front instead of concentrating power in the supreme directorate in Moscow.Mr. Secchia (意大利共产党) said Moscow has the right to direct all non-Russian communistsbecause the interests of 苏联are identical with those of workers of all countnes.


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