竺可桢日记 (1949年)1月25日 星期二 杭

晨阴51°,29.98″,As 10, Fs N,风NE 2°。晚阴51°,30.04″, Ac,微雨。

杭 晨阴51°,29.98″,As 10, Fs N,风NE 2。晚阴51°,30.04″, Ac,微雨。

  晨七点起。上午阅Moses Smith 著{Sergei Koussevitzky 传~ ,阅毕。氏为BostonSymphony Orchestra Director 波士顿交响乐团指挥,于1924 年迄今为该音乐队队长,与N. Y. PhilhaI丁nonic Orchestra 纽约爱乐乐团音乐队队长Toscanini 及PhiladelphiaPhilharmonic Orchestra 费城爱乐乐团之队长Stokowski 鼎足而盛。Koussevitzky以情韵胜Subtle tints of orchestral coloring & super refinement of orchestral tone 0Stokowski 以orchestral sonority 胜,而Toscanini 则以Precise , clean , balance withstyle 胜云。全书中指出K 之短处Deficiency in his youthful training and weakness intemperament & character ,他的优点是tonal beauty , exceptional knowledge of capabilitiesof instruments 云云。
  午后至模范监狱晤吴大信、李雅卿、邮伯瑾、陈建新、黄新民等五人。渠等在狱均尚安好。哪等三人已达一年之久。今日报载政府将释政治犯,停止特务,并各大城市解严,恢复各种停刊之报纸。校中巳去函特种刑庭,请保释吴大信等。余与吴大信等谈片刻即出。据李雅卿云,其父每星期来二次云。监狱狱长梁君告余,谓一月薪水迄未领到,故生活不易维持,幸囚犯尚有平价米可得(160 元一担) ,不然则殆矣。回途走归。
  Henry Adams “On Harvard College” , from a book Unseen Hα, rvest collected byFuess & Basford , MacMillan , 1947 , p. 304: Harvard taught little and that little ill , butit left the mind open , free from bias , ignorant of facts , but docile. .. He could not afterwardsremember to have heard the name Karl Marx mentioned. He was equally ignorantof Auguste Comte. These were 2 writers of his time who most influenced histhought.接费盛伯函寄家玉函(附签字样)


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