北京晨阴,缸, 500 。日中阴。晚雨。
晨阅俄文一小时。九点半至科学院。十点半乘车至三贝子公园动物所昆虫室晤朱弘复,与谈一小时半。据云目前工作共分三个大题目进行,棉蜘虫、锯蜂sawfly及浮尘子与幼虫。棉崎虫Cotton aphid-aphis 伊ssypii glover 可以用日本之鱼藤粉治,但以泡在肥皂水内去浇,农民怕麻烦。去年张广学和朱君赴平原河北四五月间, 一个发现蜻虫在一种野草苦〈麻)(英〕菜Ixeris chinensis versicolor ,所以只要能把这草在冬天拔去,便可减免其害。助手三人,张作棉蜘虫试验,刘作锯蜂试验,王君在作图画。渠等常作工到晚十一点, 各方均有问题交进来。十二点回。二点王成组来,谈清华地理教员问题,余介绍林超、丁骗及赵松乔。三点半赴静生,欢送刘之远、朱岗昆、柳大纲、刘建康等人革命大学政治训练班。
John Somerville Soviet Philos叩忡, p. 79 -Totalitarian 的意义。Mussolini wrotem ηt.e Doctnne of Fα, scism : ” The fascist conception of state is all-embracing; outside ofit , no human or spiritual values can exist. .. Thus understood , fascism is totalitarian. “Engels 之意以为原始共产社会无国家,社会主义发达到共产主义时亦将无国家。
The Soviet concept , far from repre崎nting the state as tbe locus of all human & spiritualvalues , actually regards it as a nece岱ary evil, the vanishing of which will mark a qualitativelyhigher phase in the evolution of bumanωciety. If the term totalitarian means ,given to planning , then it would be properly applied ωSoviet Union , which , of course ,IS 伊vmgωplanning. p. 76 ,币le r句ection of democracy in principle , & the espousal of”adst优racy” is emphasized throughout HiÙer’s Mein lGαmpf日记. 1950 年n