北京晨阴,有雨意, 48 。,房中560 。院中丁香、寓中苹果
晨六点起。阅广州中山大学陈国达著《中国海岸问题),谓九龙、香港、澳门、中山、汕尾一带均有wave-cu t raised platfonn ,足资为海岸近来有上升之证,并证引福建、浙江、山东沿海亦有同类情形云。晨阅俄文一小时。与恽子强诙派人去东北问题。午后二点至院。三点至好莱坞剌头,并至东安市场购信纸信封。晚六点三刻借允敏、松松至横栅栏二号涂家晚膳,到孟和、宝莹。腊后涂家小孩唱歌跳舞,极活泼。九点回。阅Somerville Soviet Phi1osophy 。
John Somerville Soviet Philosophy, Chap. on “Soviet Ethics “. Page 饨, Oncethere exists anything like a proletariat , i始only real salvation , as Ma[χpóinted out , is toabolish itself. But the only way it can abolish itself is to abolish aJI classes. Thus , whatmakes the position of the working class so significant , so prcgnant with ethical value , isthe fact that itωnnot sati均由human urgeωlead a decent life without transformingsociety from a class to a classless basis , the veηtransfonnation wruch society needs inorder that everyone may lead a better life.Page 84 , Socialism & commurusm are regarded as ethically desirable , in the lightof the basic criterion of a more abundant material & cultural life for a11. Concretely, thisstandard entails the abolition of economic insecurity , crime , prostitution & illiteracy ,the lower of infant mortality , & elimination of racial & national discriminations, restrictions& prejudices regard to economic , social & political oppO阳nities. “From each accordingωhis ability , to each according to rus work” ( 肌ialism ) ; “From each acω时.ing to his ability , ωeách according to his needs” (communism); clearly involve moralvaluation, ethical criteria.寄庄巫可、吴化予、周子宽、周总理、费~伯、贝时璋函