北京晨雾500 ,房中560 。下午房中640 。苹果花渐落,
晨六点起。八点至院。阅俄文…小时。觉倦极欲睡。十点与三强、简焊坡谈教育部在大学办研究所与科学院之研究所如何合作问题。据云有清华若干助教以为研究所之研究生应与科学院有别, 此种分工殊为困难。茅唐臣来,为其女茅于燕事,欲先人图书馆,后转往心理研究所。
谈论长久, 并邀悻子强、严慕光、钱三强与张宗麟、邓艾宗同谈。至十二点半,乃往王府大街威尔康中膳,四菜一汤,不吃酒,费五万五千元(每人一万一千元)。余告张宗麟,谓要把大学研究院办好,必须有视察之组织,去审查何大学可以办研究院,办得好不好亦须时时察勘。但张宗麟颇多顾忌,以为设立专家,则不被聘为专家者将生怨云云。二点回院。四点至南锣鼓巷4 1 号晤饶树人,知其巳移至那芝府〔乃兹府〕之北大宿舍。回。洗浴。
John Somerville Soviet Philosophy, Chap. on ” Our Universe”. Page 160, Dialecticalmaterialism. Plato used the word << dialectics" in his Republic to denote the highestof a11 intellectual undertakings (an 缸gument between two disputants). Hegel held thatits essential nature was expressed in movement , transformatipn. Thus the term dialecticalmaterialism means the view , not only that reality is material, but that matter is con由记. 1950 年79stantly in motion. "Dialectical" suggests, not just any kind ()f motion , but motion i. e. ,complex and at the same time possessed of a basic pattem expressible as a rational principle.The degree of complexity is sufIiciently great for the pattem of movement &change to involve the transformation of the thíng moving & changing.寄徐子为