竺可桢日记 (1950年)4月23日 星期日 北京

北京晨阴580 ,房中600 。

  晨六点半起。程民德在寓早餐。八点告别。九点借允敏、松松、樊记顺至前门外天坛。先至祈年殿,二十年来到此。祈年殿系明永乐初建,清光绪十五年毁于火,重修。余步得自边至当中圆式建筑物五十英尺。内部估计八十尺,则直径整个台为180′ ,有三层,圆顶均蓝色。拍照数张。出。走至南面之皇穹宇,途见许多古柏,其一称九龙松,实亦柏也,据云亦明物。皇穹宇明嘉靖丸年建,称泰/1顶殿,乾隆十七年重修,有八柱仍明之旧云。
  由此至天坛防疫处晤汤飞凡。遇蔡翘,知来开卫生会议者,渠现任南京大学医学院院长。十一点半,余至南池子28 号庄达卿处,与稽锥、茅唐臣谈。稽系唐山第一班毕业, No. 65 ,余及达卿第三班, No. 228 与222 ,唐臣第六班。至中山公园,见丁香尚盛开,游人甚多。余等至来今雨轩中膳。三点至科代会开常务会。六点固。
  Somerville: Chap. 6 , ηle human mind. p. 183 , In formal theory of logic , there are3 tr回ditionallaws. (1) the Law of Identity is usually expressed in the form , “A is A” , i.e. , each thing is identical with itself. (2) the Law of Non-Contradiction states that A isnot Non-A. i. e. , each thing is not different 仕om itself. (3) 白le Law of Excluded Middlestates that X is either A or Non-A , i. e. , any middle ground is excluded. The dialecticmaterialist ohjects it because things are constant1y changing. Where cωwe find aninstant of time during which nothing happens? The dialectical 10♂cian points out thalthe overwhelming evidence points out that the elemenl of change is conlinuous andhence , prima巧, while the element of stability is temporary, hence , secondary.Page 188 , To think dialectÎcally is to think in terms of movement. change , development,transformation , history , also in terms of interconnectedness. ‘” To 由ink dialecticallyis to realize that the ultimately important thing about the su问ect matter withwhich we are concemed is not 由e “state” in which it appears to be at the moment , butthe direction & rate of changes which are taking place in it.


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