竺可桢日记 (1950年)4月24日 星期一 北京


  上午晤拖文澜。张其春来。西北大学崔道坊来。晚在俄大使馆送jJlJ H~JfH 努日金、KJfce.neø 吉谢列夫、Max剖oøa 马卡洛娃返国。
  晨六点起。八点到院。阅俄文一小时。与黄山立谈李仲按寓所事,工友严长龄探得厚德里(西城石板房旁)有十七号房,上房丸间,下房丸间,愿以180 定布出售,即要四万四千斤小米, 一定布等于(每走布等于)240 斤小米,约等一担大米也。
  上午至东厂胡同一号晤范文澜, 知华北大学已将历史研究所部份之事业费停付,渠有研究生二十余名,同事二人,均系供给制,但购书、做书架每月需二万四千斤小米云,希望五月起能支付云。余将周达失函交与一阅,因周愿去印度探取近代史材料也。中午回。二点至院。作函数通。五点借孟和l 至俄国大使馆,罗申大使送努日金、吉谢列夫( 马卡洛娃未到)三人回国,并Buffet 晚膳,遇Tass 塔斯社v. N. Rogoff。六点半田。九点廿分赴东站送行, 而车已开,遂废然而返。
  Somerville: p. 202 , Materialist Oialectics & Science. The Copernican theory of astronomy, the Newton theoηof uni ver百al gravitation , the theory of organic evolution andthe electronic theoTγof matter are the greatest triumphs of modem science. While eachof these theories Cinally overcame static conceptions and replaced them with dynamicones , each had to wage a bitter struggle against the old doctrines. 币ley all seemed so” unnatural” in a universe which was supposed to be essentially static.Page 205 , It seems unlikely 由at we will ever adeq!lately understand a universe thatis interconnected in all ( of) its parts by approaching it through “independent” specialitiesdeveloped apa川from the needs of a total integration. It need hardly be pointed outthat such specialities do not automatically combine into an adequate picture of the interdependentwhole , any more than several dozèns of photographs of a single building,e . 怠, would form an adequate picture of the toωbuilding unless they were taken fromthe viewpoint of a common perspective , and with due regard for the way in which c缸”tain basic features joined the several pa川s.接若水函毛汉礼、汪日章太太、朱洗、王家槐等函寄王季玉函楼桐茂、士芳函


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