晨晴,F.S.4 , 79°,房中80°。
北京晨晴, F. S. 4 , 790 ,房中800 。
晨五点三刻起。上午作函数通。今日北京《人民日报》将余著《人类能战胜冰雹》一文登出, 并将伊林著《人类征服自然》书中”关于空气的话”一章亦摘登。
午后士楷来,知已自西北工学院回杭州,停二周在上海, 遇顾宜孙后遂来唐山,由唐山到京云。知丁荣南、杨其泳均乏事。三点至科代开会常委会。五点至院参加编译局讨论科学名词。六点回。晚膳后乐天宇、徐硕俊、沈其益来,约明日士楷去罗道庄。
Blackett : p. 51 , The German V I weapon had an overall weight of 3 tons, and carrieda one-ton war-head a distance of2oo miles at a speeò of 350 miles/hr. The averagealmmg error w槌about 5 miles , i. e. , 1140 of the range. Within 3 mon由s of the 8tartof attacks , fighters & antiaircraft fìre shot down 80% of those launched at London fromFrench coast.The German V 2 weapon (rocket type) had an overall wt. of i 4 tons and carried awar-head of one ton a distance of 200 miles , with an average accuracy of 4 miles.Page 51, Super bomb , using the high T. produced by a uranium bomb 10 initiate ahydrogen-helium , or he-lithium reaction. Thirring… envisages bombs with 6 10ns oflithium as possibly giving 1α)() 1imes as much energy 幽single uranium bombs. JosefH. Thirring ” Die Geschichte der Atombombe” , Vienna , 1946.寄张孝湾、熊全治、叶笃正、杨怀仁、Brentano’s