北京晨晴33。, 房480 。下午睛。
晨七点起。上午七点半出至西斜街61 号晤孙克定,托其带信件与西文书一本与希文, 因其今日回宁也,不值。与雨农谈片刻。至石板房甘一号晤陆学善,不值。
出至豹子胡同63 号晤林碟骆医生,遇李范…夫妇。余要林为余打Oreton 一针,迄今已打四针,均在星期日,精神似较好。至芳嘉园一号晤孙颖川不值,遂回。
准昌来告,谓萧健报告C. 1. T. 校长Dr. Bridge 近得国务〔院〕消息,谓赵忠尧之被扣完全系受钱学森之影响云云。晚约张孝骞、李宗恩夫妇、诸福棠夫妇、谢济生夫妇晚膳。
Blackett: The Decisìon 10 Use the Bombs , pp.127- 143.pp. 129-130, Henry L. .5timson writing in Harper’s Feb. , 1947 , said Truman relìedfor advice on the ” Inlerim Committee” under 5timson’s Chairmanshìp and having ,as sc. members , Vannevar Bush , K. T. Compton & James B. Conant. U On June 1,1945 , the Interim Committee unanimously adopted the recommendations that the bombshould be used against Japan as s∞n as possible and that it should be .used without( prior) warning (其中有一人最后反对不给警告而炸). “Mr. 5timson also said:”The 2 (atomic) bombs whjch we had dropped were the only ones we had ready, andour rate of production at 由at time was veηsmall “寄希文函并书-本DialectÌCJ 01 Nature (囱孙克定带去)日记. 1 950 年221