竺可桢日记 (1950年)11月14日 星期二 北京

北京晨睛, 风止, 23 。,房中有火520 0

  晨六点半起。八点至院。九点院中送别同人赴东北工作者共十八人,计孙桐、边凤山、吴凤鸣、白石(女)、陈维、施兰卿(女) 、尉盛勋、黎盛臣、高如玉、刘明达、王佩琴( 女)、王福山、孙永淑(女)、吴凤鸣、魏汉芳(女)、王齐、杨光中、李达、周学滔等等。仲揆亦出席。萧佛先以妻病不能往,孙桐代往。演讲者仲授、正之、余、陆学替、罗常培、钱雨农、彭桓武、悻子强等,照相后散。
  8lackett: p. 134 , In U. S. Strategic Bombing Suroe-y 4 , the 5umrnary Report on Pacific W 8 1′, section ” Japan’s Struggle 10 End the War”. ” Based on a detailed investigationof a11 facts , and supported by the testimony of the surviving Jap. leaders involved, it is Survey’s opinion that certainly prior ω Dec. 31, 1945 , Japan would havesurrendered even if al.omÌc b.ombs’ had not been dropped , even if Russia had not enteredlhe war, and even if no invasion had been planned. “Page 136 , In New York Times of August 15 , 1945 , under the headline , ” ChennaultHolds Soviet Forced End: Russia’s Entry Decided War With Japan DespiteBomb” , in an interview with a R.ome newspaper c.orrespondent. ” Russia’s entry into theJapanese War was the decisive factor in speeding its end and would have been so, evenif n.o atomic bombs had been dropped , is the opinion of C. Chennault.”警卫申文、夏纪鼎


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