晨六点半起。八点至院。朱树屏来谈,为在青岛兼水产试验所所长事。仲济反对渠兼任,若朱去水产试验所,则即须离水生生物所,但朱在水生所为仲济所不喜,故既不安于位,又怕至水产所不能发展,故欲兼任。食品工业部之高君来谈,亦欲朱树屏任水产〈所〉试验所所长事。余允与王仲济商之。吴征铠来谈,为教育部邀其赴农业大学了解情况。缘农大自合并北大、清华后,农院内部不甚融洽,故派十四人由教育部任命,了解情形云云。午后三点至院。五点借允敏、松松赴协和看孟和,住116 号房间。据云进院后一切均好云。
Blackett: 137 , This inte甲retation by Cousins & Finletter substantially confirms ourown analysis. 咀le hurried dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki w部a brilliantsuccess , in that all the political objectives were fully achieved. American controlof Japan is complete, and there is no struggle for authority there with Russia.Page 139 , 50 we may conclude that the dropping of the atomic bombs w幽not somuch the last military act of the 2nd W orld War, as 由e 1 st major operation of the colddiplomatic war with Russia now in progress.寄王仲济、苏步青