竺可桢日记 (1950年)11月22日 星期三 北京

北京晨阴400 ,日中阴。

  周外长抗议麦克阿瑟非法释放日本甲级战犯重光葵(原徒刑七年) 。晚和王淦昌约请顾功叙夫妇、王序夫妇。
  晨六点半起。八点十分到院。阅英Atomic Scientist 1950 年八月份。并嘱图书馆毛君购美国Bulletin 01 Atomic Sc. , American Me凡01 Sc. 8th Ed . 及New AdvancedAtlω, 。上午开行政讨论会,通过预算1951 年及二局(计划和联络局)及办公厅如何合并办公事,通过西文名称(各所) 。下午二点半到院。晚和王淦昌约请顾功叙夫妇、王序夫妇、吴正之夫妇及何泽慧、彭桓武。彭赴清华,至膳后来。
  Aωmic Scientists News , London , August , 1950.p. 13: 1 curie of any radioactive substance , there 町e 3. 7 X 1010 nuclear disintegrationsper sec. The actual m勘s of an element equivalent to 1 curie depends < upon)on m脑s of atoms , the half-life , and on the extent to which the radioactive form is dilutedwith stable isotopes. For radium , wi也a half-life of 1 , 6∞ ye脯, and where everyatom is liable to decay, 1 curie corresponds to veηnearly 1 gram. For an isotope suchas iodine 131 , with half-life of 8 days, 1 curie corresponds to only 8 rnicrograms. It ise嗣Y to detect at 10 -9 cu肘, as little as 10 - 14 grarn of iodine 131 can be detected.Page 20: Experience has enabled an estirnate to be made of the amount of radiationwhich the hurnan body 响11 stand without being effected is 0.5 röntgen per week. 1röntgen is roughly the dose received in 1 hour at distance of 1 metre from 1 gram ofJradium.


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