北京睛, 340 。
下午至国际书店。,晨七点起。上午与刘大年等谈。原定今日下午正之作二次检讨,因昨打针。(预防鼠疫)后,今日反应,故作罢。午后至国际书店购New Times 《新时代》第七期,见A. Oparin 奥巴林著”Among Chinese Scientists” {在中国科学家中间} ,其中述及Oparin 回苏联以后,报告科学院以中国科学院情况,要向中国科学院互派人访问,并向组织考古和生物的调查队,以及交换刊物等等。晚阅陈彪所译《苏联哲学问题}, 1951 年史米特著《地球和行星底起源问题》,系1951 年四月十六到十九日科学院召开的太阳宇宙发生学讨论会上史米特的报告。
S()Viet Genetics p. 45: 据Mendelian Genetics ,有二点基本观点说明遗传性质,the determination of heredity hy a specialized part of the organism, the genes , and theorigin of variation by undirected mutations within the gene apparatuso The gene theoryassumes the existence of a special hereditary substance , the assumed existence of a specialorgan of heredity, the system of genes.p. 49: 百le dialectic method is based on the reco伊ition of the unity & manifoldinterconnections between all natural phenomena, and universal occurrence of change &development. The source of cbange & development is to be found in the existence ofcontradictions within the unity of each process. As a consequence development does notonly take place by gradual quantitative change but also by sudden leaps accompanied byqualitative changes.寄Edward Bumpus 及Brentano’s