北京风沙,天发白。晨53 0 ,房中62。, 7ωmm。鹊巢外
《毛湾东选集》第二本出版,印1 , 5∞ ,似)()本。
晨六点三刻起。上午交黄宗甄以检讨稿, 六千字左右,连前约一万二千字。希望于三四日内能写好。今日报载郭沫若院长于昨日Kremli n 富接受斯大林和平奖金, 实为一殊荣。郭并做一首诗。我对于新诗不感兴趣,根本不知其为诗也。下午三点政务院开会,陈云报告财政经济状况。余以写文未往,但写文亦不过二页,儿一千字而已。晚继续写。
Sωiet Genetics p. 76: Hereditary variation 町18臼only when the norms of metabolismare disrupted. This can, take place if the organism is exposed to sufIicienùy sh缸P, changes in the appropriate environmental conditions at critical metabolic phases. Thecritical requirement of a winter wheat for vernalization stage is a certain degree of lowtemp. for a certain number of days , in the presence of adequate water to allow swellingof the grain, [[ the temp, is completely outside the required range vem. will not takeplace . and the plant will not complete the reproductive cycle. If conditions are suchthat slow 证p町tial vemalization takes place & is completed at a temp. higher than itscritical requirement. 也el) the nonnal course of metabolism at critica1 phase is disturbed.Such a disturbance is tratlSmitled to the germ ceU and cau随what Lysenkocalled destabilized or shaken heredity,寄宝望函(并还地图一本、大字典一本) 又周恩济洋十万元(为还港寄书用)