罢, A. C. Glaciated ,快,向东, 54。,房中560 , 29. 邸”,
756 0 宅前苹果花谢。
晨六点三刻起。上午九点开院长会议。严慕光报告东北分院的八个单位,已经由东北人民政府赞同设立, 但土木建筑目前尚乏主持的人。经二星期接洽,经建筑方面有刘敦帧( 士能)、陈植( 之大,华盖) 、李莹(女,圣约翰)、黄伯巢(谭音,圣约翰系主任) 0 . 土木方面有刘恢先(清华)、吴柳生(清华)、高步昆( 北大)诸人, 以吴与高能去东北之机会为大,刘能去最好。工业检验所所长拟以韦涵光为所长(现任东北化工室主任) 。此外则本院梁树权、清华余瑞璜亦可去, 尚有北大严仁荫及清华高小霞(女) 云。次讨论设立昌都工作站,西藏工作队队长李璜巳拟有计划。午后和钱临照谈购到仪器支配问题。至国际书店。
50viet Genetics p. 109 , The Nature of Fertilization , Chap. 6. According to Lysenko, fertilization is the mutual assimilation of equivalent sexual cells. He shows the falsityof the Mendelian view of fertilization as the mechanical union of the chromosomes of 2parents. The result of this intense metabolic activity of the synthesis and breakdown ofthe protoplasm of the 2 cells by their combined enzyme systems , is the formation of anew 于ell , the zygote , by a profound mutual reconstruction of the participating sexualcells. Fertilization like other metabolic processes of the organism, possess this propertyof selectivity. The intra varietal ( J .