Baomei Zhao, Ph.D., CFLE
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: School of Social Work

Dr. Baomei Zhao has been a professor and a researcher for more than 20 years in both China and the U.S. In 2005, she joined the faculty at the University of Akron. Her research interests are quality of life, family finance and consumption, and health disparity.
As a faculty member, Dr. Zhao tries to incorporate teaching, research, and service to help student establish a close relationship with the community development. She has brought her students from School of Family and Consumer Sciences and School of Social Work to work with service learning programs, providing great support to make a difference to individuals and community.
Dr. Zhao has also been active in organizing the Viewing Globally and Acting Locally events annually. Click on the links below to view the videos from the 2016 Minority Health Kick-Off Expo, held at the University of Akron Quaker Station in Akron, OH.

Ph.D. in Family Studies, University of Kentucky
M.A. in Economics, Zhejiang University, China
B.A. in English, Zhejiang University, China